We must have a public inquiry into Sydney's population growth

With an extra three million or so people slated to call Sydney home in the next 40 years,the city must have a proper,structured debate about the drivers of population growth in our city and what our choices are in responding to them.

Government will say the debate has already been had and that the 8 million people option for Sydney is locked and loaded.The three cities option adopted in the latest Metropolitan Plan from the Greater Sydney Commission is a constructive attempt to deal with the challenges of this growth,but the ongoing public disquiet suggests we are not yet all on board this train.

A public inquiry into Sydney's unprecedented population growth will give people the opportunity to see what a Sydney of 8 million people will look and feel like - and what the alternatives are.

Sydney is set to house an extra three million people in the next 40 years.

Sydney is set to house an extra three million people in the next 40 years.Andrew Meares

Media coverage about Sydney’s growth is most often focused on the unsustainability of our population growth stemming from overseas migration,yet more than half of our growth,according to the Department of Planning and Environment,stems simply from the fact that people are living longer and having more children. And we are also choosing to live in smaller households.

All of these things add to the need for more housing – and none of them are susceptible to government policy intervention,short of unlikely social engineering solutions.

Overseas migration is also a significant contributor to Sydney’s population growth,offset to some extent by the number of Sydneysiders who call it quits every year and move interstate or to regional NSW.

Overall,migration accounts for about 46 per cent of Sydney's growth. So we should not ignore a discussion about whether our overseas immigration levels are set at the right levels or geographically well-targeted.

A public inquiry can take into account the trade-offs involved with such growth,the cost of infrastructure and the environmental impacts of the different alternatives. It could also consider whether we should be pursuing changes to migration policy or more aggressive decentralisation strategies.

The federal government should be involved,so that the one key variable we can control – overseas migration – can be properly considered.

We also need a broader demographic to be engaged in the debate,especially our children,whose future we are busily planning,often without their significant input.

The inquiry should ultimately report on whether Sydney’s projected growth over the next 40 years is sustainable and whether our approaches to managing that growth are appropriate and adequately supported by the broader community.

It’s true that there has been almost two decades of discussion about how Sydney should grow,but the fact is that the rancour lives on and we have still not reached a mature landing on the issue.

We need a circuit-breaker and a short,sharp inquiry undertaken by an independent and representative panel – perhaps the newly constituted Independent Planning Commission – would,if nothing else,expose the difficult policy dilemmas being confronted by planners and decision-makers.

Outsourcing our growth planning to the Greater Sydney Commission has not been the panacea the government had hoped for. An inquiry might form the basis for bipartisanship in how we deal with one of our most intractable problems.

Richard Pearson is a town planner,a former administrator of Inner West Council and a former deputy secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment.

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