Who is planning Sydney’s sustainable housing policy?

The Labor government had time in opposition to plan for and produce a sustainable housing policy to address the rising housing crisis before the last election (Letters,February 9). What we see now is the Labor Party at odds with itself with plans to demolish many homes across Sydney to build high-rise apartments. It appears the Minns government is in bed with the developers,taking a wrecking ball to achieve this ad hoc housing policy that lacks transparency and public consultation.

They are destroying our beautiful city with mass demolition of homes,destruction of parks,destroying local wildlife habitat and anything in its path to maintain the obsession of government power. The built environment is not built to be sustainable into the future for the coming generations. Gridlocked roads,inadequate public transport and hot boxes driving up power bills appears to be the only visionary order of these hapless politicians.

Enough is enough:the revolving door of politics needs to reset to save Sydney.Sandra Langtree,Lilyfield


HoIllustration:John Shakespeare

Can local councils really be trusted with planning laws (“Housing minister takes aim at NIMBY mayors”,February 9)? Recently Strathfield council raised rates for both apartment and townhouse buildings while reducing single dwelling rates. High-density development is concentrated in the north of the area around Parramatta Road,with just a few standard parks. Meanwhile,the southern end enjoys low density with high-quality parks,basketball courts and playground equipment. This seems to be a growing trend of creating inequity into nearly every corner of Sydney.Todd Hillsley,Homebush

If we are to build a great liveable city it is time for state housing planners to realise that elected local councils,such as Canterbury-Bankstown,are an essential part of the city’s urban planning process.
Peter Menton,Bankstown

The proposed 15-storey residential tower in the Dubbo is a welcome development (“High-rise in country points to a new way of bush living”,February 9). Many Queensland provincial cities have long had multi-storey apartment buildings,which are a good option for seniors who want to downsize and to stay in their community. NSW local government should be encouraging this,which would also slow urban sprawl and the takeover of prime agricultural land.Tony Simons,Balmain

Skyscrapers in country towns will smash any remaining amenity. Two or three levels,yes;anything above that is just developer greed. Charming Kiama is gradually being ruined by little square boxy apartments. The problem is overpopulation. Tinkering with solar and wind power is overlooking the elephant in our midst.Ashley Berry,Toolijooa

Perrottet’s wise hindsight on negative gearing

Oh,the wisdom of the retired premier (“Tweak tax to housing:Perrottet”,February 9). What glorious insights they spout once liberated. In calling for reform of negative gearing,Dominic Perrottet has the credibility of a vegetarian crocodile.Tom McGinness,Randwick

When discussing changes to negative gearing legislation in an ethical parliament,all those politicians with one or more negatively geared properties have a real conflict of interest,and like anyone else in any organisation,they should leave the room. At a cost of $24 billion per year,these tax bludgers are a huge burden on the economy.Duncan Cameron,Lane Cove

Thank you to your correspondent for reminding us that it was the taxpayer who paid the $24 billion. I am happy to advise you that the Register of Pecuniary Interests is freely available (Letters,February 9). This register requires all politicians to declare their financial interests. And after a long day browsing it,I discovered that the members of our federal parliament are up to their eyeballs in negatively geared property. This is the contempt with which our leaders treat the backbone of the nation.Peter Thornhill,Woollahra

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John Shakespeare

I propose a simple solution that could solve the negative gearing problem quickly. The government for a period of 12 or 24 months,allows owners of investment properties to sell them and put all proceeds into super untaxed,and any proceeds from the sale kept outside of super are taxed at the discounted capital gains tax rate. Once the selling period is over,policies to end negative gearing are introduced. Controversial,but imagine the flood of properties that would be put on the market in a very short space of time,which would help to drive down prices. I understand that some would complain about property investors getting additional tax breaks but for a short-term cost,a structural problem detrimental to current and future generations could be solved with little effort. And no,I am not a property investor.Brett Tarlinton,West Ryde

We need to be careful with talk of removing negative gearing and the CGT discount on investment properties. While proponents might mean well,drawing potential investment away at a time when we need even more is probably not a good idea. Removing concessions on existing investment would also be politically unpalatable.

There are many options in the future but We should be directing these tax benefits to new development to increase supply,which,after all,was the intent of the original incentives. As a start,why not continue to allow new investment in a single existing property to qualify,ensuring demand for them remains,but that further investments need to be for new development.

That way we could ensure the market remains attractive for existing properties while importantly shifting the dial where it’s needed most,to the new supply so badly needed.Terry Vandyke,Dee Why

Berry unimpressed

While relieved to know that there will be a NSW parliamentary inquiry into the Rozelle interchange chaos,I would also suggest the committee includes a look at the traffic chaos coming to the north shore (“Inquiry to examine interchange chaos”,February 9). The same transport planners from Transport for NSW intend to funnel all traffic on the north shore to the Harbour Bridge and the new Western Harbour Tunnel via Berry Street in the centre of North Sydney. Sydney could become internationally famous for deliberately creating traffic chaos on both sides of the harbour decades after most cities began to divert traffic from city centres.

Perhaps the committee could also find time to look at the chaos and destruction happening,courtesy of the same transport planners,in Little Hartley on the western side of Mount Victoria.

The planners at Transport for NSW are indefatigable. It would be helpful for us to know where they intend to strike next so we can somehow avoid the area.Kate Miller,Waverton

The current malaise over Sydney’s choked transport links,old and new,can be sheeted home to the removal of our tram system starting from the 1950s. Sydney then had the most extensive tramway network in the southern hemisphere. Government at the time chortled as the trams were burnt on the sacrificial altar of the great God Car. We are now all paying the price.Lance Dover,Pretty Beach

Spaghetti-junction woes.

Spaghetti-junction woes.John Shakespeare

When looking back at wasted money and opportunities with our ferries,light rail and roadworks under the previous government,surely the interchange inquiry should be broadened. An examination of Transport for NSW’s reliance on consultants is needed.Brian McDonald,Willoughby

Renewables refusal unsustainable

With communities in Queensland and northern NSW still reeling from cyclones Jasper and Kirrily,and catastrophic flooding,the very politicians representing these communities – Joyce,Canavan and Littleproud – are inciting an “army” of supporters to launch a senseless attack on renewables (“Cyclone Barnaby will blast Libs”,February 9).

Are we humans really this stupid? Now that we understand heat-trapping greenhouse gases cause more severe and more frequent cyclones,our political leaders should be doing their utmost to outlaw all new fossil fuel projects,accelerate the roll-out of renewables and transmission lines,and introduce mandatory reminders – in every news story about cyclones,floods,heatwaves and bushfires – that burning fossil fuels causes catastrophic climate events.

Australia was one of the first countries to mandate public health warnings on tobacco products. Let’s do the same with fossil fuels.Rob Firth,Red Hill (ACT)

Barnaby Joyce is disingenuous in the extreme with his stance against renewables. He will be well aware that graziers in his own electorate,who had wind turbines on their properties,had a most welcome supplementary income in times of drought. He would also know that new development proponents are offering much-needed finance to support local communities.

In addition,solar farms with panels situated at a height sufficient to allow sheep to graze underneath have the double benefit of some degree of vegetation management and economic return from the land. Indeed,it has been demonstrated that the panels,through providing shelter and also generating pasture growth through concentrating runoff from low rainfall events,can exist without reducing returns from grazing.

But there is no mention of this from Joyce. Instead,his alternative clean energy model will rely on nuclear power in the longer term,thus ensuring extensive dependence on fossil fuel extraction in the meantime.Roger Epps,Armidale

Nationals show a bit of mongrel.

Nationals show a bit of mongrel.Cathy Wilcox

Here we go again,the Nationals fighting anything that looks like improving their environment. The environmental movement and farmers want mostly the same:a genuinely sustainable future. Joyce needs to be shown the door and the Nationals and Greens form their own coalition.Greg Baker,Fitzroy Falls

The National Party has a point. Regional Australians should not have to bear the brunt of city dwellers’ renewables obsession. If wind farms are to be constructed they should also be erected offshore from Palm Beach to Manly and South Head to Cronulla. Share the eyesores equally. Isn’t equality integral to the progressive manifesto?Riley Brown,Bondi Beach

Switch-off snag

Yes,workers’ rights to switch off will have to be carefully managed (“New disconnect laws for workers could help,but also harm”,February 9). This new legislation will place thousands of small and medium businesses in yet a tighter straitjacket. How long before we lose our freedom to think,work,or make our own choices about how we live? Be careful,if this trend continues those entrepreneurs who provide the jobs to employ the workers may find it all too hard and decide to leave,and put an end their risks of running a business. While we must protect workers’ welfare,we must also promote and protect our aspirational way of life. We need jobs,and that means we need to support and encourage ambition.D’Arcy Hardy,North Turramurra

Insurance rorts

Some of the problems that Waleed Aly identifies arise because we’ve privatised things that shouldn’t have been privatised – things where it is important to provide a service,not necessarily make the biggest profit possible (“Insurance inquiry reveals one of Australia’s greatest paradoxes”,February 9). Providing insurance cover in areas where it is not profitable to do so,such as insuring against cyclones in North Queensland,might fall into that category. But I don’t think insurance generally does.

If insurers set a reasonable premium,which allows for the appropriate probability of claims and a reasonable profit margin,then that is an appropriate service for private enterprise to provide. The problem comes when insurers go beyond that business model and do the wrong thing with claim definitions to unreasonably increase their profits. So rather than drag insurers before a parliamentary inquiry,is this not a role for an ombudsman with teeth?David Rush,Lawson

As an old insurance bloke nearer to 90 than 80,who worked for a Scottish insurer,it saddens me to read the state that insurers have sunk to when trying to avoid paying claims. After the horrific Hobart bushfires in the 1960s,our general manager sent his deputy down there with a chequebook,with instructions to contact all our policyholders and settle on the spot. No doubt this may have caused some over or unwarranted payouts,but I am sure we benefited from the goodwill engendered.Max Warner,St Leonards

Baffling support

So many things have been written to add to our collection of horror stories about Donald Trump. Of new concern,however,is the directive from Trump to the Republicans to reject the bipartisan changes to the immigration bill (“Republicans sink bipartisan border bill at Trump’s direction”,February 9). He is not in Congress,yet wields influence over Republican decisions. I am at a loss to understand why so many Americans continue to support him. Interestingly,I have not read one pro-Trump letter ever. If we can see through him,why can’t they?Pam Ayling,West Pennant Hills

A good sport

Thanks,Roy Masters,for your enlightening yarn about former Australian rugby league players Les “Gum Leaves” Boyd and,sadly,the late John “Snoozer” Elford (“When rule breakers become rule makers on,and off,the field”,February 9). Learning Boyd is now a local government councillor caused me to check the council’s website,where mention is made of Boyd’s “experience as a team player”. Talk about stating the obvious.Col Shephard,Yamba

Total bull

I am in total agreement with Harold Scruby (Letters, February 9). I cannot understand why bullbars are allowed on vehicles in suburban areas. Almost 50 years ago I looked after a patient who had been struck by a vehicle with some heavy-duty bullbars. She had been crossing a pedestrian crossing at the time. Her injuries were so extensive that it was almost quicker to tell what hadn’t been damaged. My family have become used to my comment that when I rule the world (only a matter of time now I am sure) I will ban bullbars in cities,just for a start.Vivienne Potter,Gowrie (ACT)

Pet parade

Good try,Toto,but I don’t think you quite licked it (“Dogs on trains? I’ll ask Albo for another rufferendum”,February 9). Dogs on trains? No,thank you. Who wants to travel cheek by jowl with the potential conflict zone of a mobile vet’s waiting room? And do all pets qualify? Cats on the RiverCat? Ferrets on the ferry? Serpents on your bus service?Doug Walker,Baulkham Hills

Dogs on trains:the way of the future.

Dogs on trains:the way of the future.John Shakespeare

Any animal that can contort itself into a yoga downward dog pose and lick its rear end would certainly not be welcome to sit next to me.Rod Tuck,Katoomba

Decadent decade

The scientific data showing psychedelic drugs have a positive effect on sexual satisfaction was,I would suggest,established by many in the 1960s (“Magic mushrooms can improve sex life:study”,February 9). Nothing new about that.Elizabeth Kroon,Randwick

Croudace memories

My memories of Croudace Bay from the 1960s are of the parkland next to Lake Macquarie becoming a tent city,filling up with families free camping,some staying for all the summer school holidays (Letters,February 9). The dads who didn’t have holidays would leave the camp each morning and go off to work while the mums would enjoy the break from the regular routine in the company of others and the kids were left to enjoy their freedom. Those were the days!Charmain Brinks, Newcastle


Communities rebelled over density targets,the NSW treasurer warned Sydney could develop a homeless middle-class,and a western Sydney mayor demanded the state government deal with our housing problems before children could no longer play cricket in their backyards. This week everyone,including letter writers,wanted to talk about housing.

According to correspondents,many issues have contributed to our housing woes:negative gearing,greedy developers,poor urban planning,immigration,unethical real estate agents … the list is long. Russell Lea’s Neville Turbit had a different take:“We complain about a lack of housing but don’t want it in our suburb. We complain about the cost of housing but don’t want to see our homes devalued. We complain about developers but want more homes. We want more government-built houses but don’t want more taxes. We complain about a lack of staff but don’t want immigration. We want more rentals but won’t vote for a government who plans to abolish negative gearing. How exactly do we get everything we want without any cost whatsoever?”

The biggest news of the week? The Herald’s longest-serving journalist,economics editor Ross Gittins,celebrated his 50th anniversary at the masthead. We received hundreds of letters describing his inspirational ability to make economics relevant to everyone,from students to retirees,and thanking him for providing so many enlightening and informative columns.

As Bryne Smith of Burleigh Waters wrote,“Now that the economic hierarchy have expressed their congratulations to Ross Gittins on his erudite contributions,achievements and longevity,can I be so presumptuous to say on behalf of we lesser-beings,the pub economists of Australia,‘Thanks mate’.”Pat Stringa,letters editor

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