PM promises referendum
PM promises referendum

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This was published17years ago

PM promises referendum

ByStephanie Peatling

Prime Minister John Howard has announced his plans to hold a referendum to formally recognise indigenous Australians in the Constitution.

In a speech to the Sydney Institute Mr Howard promised to hold the referendum within 18 months of the election - if the Coalition is returned to office - which would incorporate a Statement of Reconciliation into the Constitution's preamble.

Mr Howard acknowledges he has often"struggled"with the issue of reconciliation during his time as prime minister.

"For my generation - Australians who came of age in the 1950s and 1960s - it has been ever present,a subject of deep sorrow and of great hope. The challenge,and unfinished business,of our time. It is the place of Indigenous people in the profound,compelling and unfolding story of Australia,"Mr Howard says in the speech.

Mr Howard has previously rejected any symbolic gestures - such as an apology to the stolen generation - saying he preferred to concentrate on practical measures.


But in tonight's speech Mr Howard calls for a new approach to build on the"overwhelming support among Australian people for meaningful reconciliation".

"This is Reconciliation based on a new paradigm of positive affirmation,of unified Australian citizenship,and of balance - a balance of rights and responsibilities;a balance of practical and symbolic progress,"he says.

Mr Howard said he believed Australians wanted to move forward with reconciliation and a settlement of the issue.

"I share that desire,which is why I am here tonight,"he said.

"I announce that,if re-elected,I will put to the Australian people within 18 months a referendum to formally recognise indigenous Australians in our constitution - their history as the first inhabitants of our country,their unique heritage of culture and languages,and their special,though not separate,place within a reconciled,indivisible nation."

Mr Howard also said he wanted a new statement of reconciliation incorporated into the constitutional preamble.

"It would reflect my profound sentiment that indigenous Australians should enjoy the full bounty that this country has to offer;that their economic,social and cultural well-being should be comparable to that of other Australians,"he said.

"I would aim to introduce a bill that would include the preamble statement into parliament within the first 100 days of a new government."

Mr Howard said the referendum on constitutional recognition would stand alone.

"It would not be blurred or cluttered by other constitutional considerations,''he said,effectively ruling out a referendum on fixed terms for parliament at the same time."

Mr Howard denied his remarks represented a"road to Damascus"conversion - a sudden realisation of the truth.

And he maintained that an apology was the wrong way forward.

"I'm the first to admit that this whole area is one I have struggled with during the entire time that I have been prime minister,"he said.

"My instinct has been to try and improve the conditions for indigenous people within the framework of a united nation and unified Australian citizenship.

"I still believe that a collective national apology for past injustice fails to provide the necessary basis to move forward. Just as the responsibility agenda is gaining ground it would,I believe,only reinforce a culture of victimhood and take us backwards."

Mr Howard conceded there had been"low points when dialogue between me as prime minister and many indigenous leaders dwindled almost to the point of non-existence. I fully accept my share of the blame for that."

But he said he believed there was now a window of opportunity to get the balance right.

"I sense in the community a rare and unexpected convergence of opinion on this issue between the more conservative approach which I clearly identify with and those who traditionally have favoured more of a group rights approach,"he said.

"It is a moment of time which should be seized,lest it be lost."

with AAP

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