ETU hits back at Nolan bagging

The Electrical Trades Union has hit back at a former Bligh government minister,who blasted the organisation in a blistering attack on Thursday.

In anopinion piece for Fairfax Media,Rachel Nolan,who served as both the transport minister and finance minister during her 11 years in Parliament under the previous Labor government,said she was defeated in 2012"in a nasty and bitter campaign led in large part by the ETU".

The"Rachel Nolan sold us out"billboard run by the ETU.

The "Rachel Nolan sold us out" billboard run by the ETU.Sarah Harvey/The Queensland Times

The ETU funded a billboard in Ms Nolan's electorate which stood for almost a year ahead of the 2012 election which read'Rachel Nolan sold us out'.

Ms Nolan lost the seat of Ipswich to the Liberal National Party's Ian Berry at the last election.

Former Labor MP Rachel Nolan

Former Labor MP Rachel NolanSupplied

Secretary Peter Simpson said the union was simply"upholding ALP policy then and we are still upholding ALP policy now".

"Ms Nolan's opinions are consistent with the bitter and twisted view of the world,"he said in response to Ms Nolan's opinion piece.

"If she had bothered to read and abide by the policy platform of the ALP,which specifically said they couldn't sell assets,she would probably still be the member for Ipswich.

"Because she and others decided to apply Liberal Party policy,Labor voters and workers threw her out."

In her opinion piece,Ms Nolan warned current Labor MPs against standing"in lock step"with the union now.

"Five minutes ago,they were doing all in their power to hasten the demise of a Labor government,"she wrote.

"Now they are doing the same to the LNP.

"Sure,it's possible to be oppositional just for opposition's sake,but that kind of angry,scowling,bovver boy,'youse can all go jump'approach brings nothing constructive to the debate.

"It might be fun for the bruvvers to chant on their RDO before heading off for a few beers,but most people aren't just troglodytes who are opposed to everything.

"They do not share the distorted world view of the ETU."

Ms Nolan said an"informed and constructive"debate was needed on asset sales issue.

Her former parliamentary combatant,Tim Nicholls,agreed.

"The only thing that I can really say about the ETU is they continue to spread misinformation and stories about what the government is doing,"he said.

"The government has said clearly,we are taking people into our confidence.

"We have said we haven't made a decision,we have consistently said that,the ETU has run around the place,in their union protection racket,trying to make something out of nothing."

Amy Remeikis was a former social affairs and communications reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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