Not enough evidence to use medicinal cannabis for mental disorders

There is not currently enough evidence to suggest medicinal cannabis has any benefit for treating psychological disorders,a new study has found.

Much has been made in recent years of the positive medical effects of cannabis-derived compounds to treat a range of physical and mental ailments.

Mature cannabis plants being grown for medicinal use at the facility run by Medifarm on the Sunshine Coast

Mature cannabis plants being grown for medicinal use at the facility run by Medifarm on the Sunshine CoastStuart Layt

However,there has been relatively little actual research done into the effects of cannabinoids when used to treat conditions,especially mental disorders.

A review of the available research,covering 83 studies and three thousand people,has found the use of cannabinoids for mental health issues can not currently be justified.

"One of the reasons we did the review is that a very common reason people report using medicinal cannabis is to treat symptoms of these disorders,"the University of Queensland's Professor Wayne Hall,one of the study’s authors,said.

"There are disorders where there is evidence of benefit,but the great majority of people who are being treated with medicinal cannabis aren’t being treated for those conditions."

In particular,Professor Hall said nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients,muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis and seizures caused by a particular type of epilepsy had been shown to be helped by medicinal cannabis.

However,every mental condition which advocates claimed to be able to treat using a cannabinoid simply did not have the evidence to support it.

Given that,the study’s lead author,Professor Louisa Degenhardt of UNSW Sydney,said there needed to be more investment in full clinical of medicinal cannabis.

"Clinicians and consumers need to be aware of the low quality and quantity of evidence for the effectiveness of medicinal cannabinoids in treating mental health disorders and the potential risk of adverse events,"Professor Degenhardt said.

"Given the likely interest but scant evidence to guide patient and clinician decisions around cannabinoids for mental health,there is an urgent need for randomised controlled trials to inform whether there are benefits of cannabinoids for these indications."

In particular there was no reason why cannabinoids were not being subjected to the same regulatory approval process as other prescription medications,the report’s authors said.

Professor Hall stressed it was possible there were benefits to using cannabinoids to treat mental disorders,but there simply wasn’t enough evidence to back up the claim at this stage.

"There’s been this early and broad generalisation from the fact that it does have some medical uses that it can be used for any medical purpose,which is what is often advocated by some of the more enthusiastic supporters of medical cannabis,"he said.

"The risk with THC,which is the ingredient which produces the high in cannabis,there’s a real risk to administering something like that to people who already have disturbed mood,anxiety and depression."

Only 40 of the 83 studies examined were the ideal randomised control trials,where the patients were not aware whether they were receiving the drug or not,while in the rest of the trials patients were aware they were being given cannabis products,potentially skewing the results.

The authors pointed out the findings related specifically to medicinal cannabis,such as the medically derived extracts THC and CBD,as opposed to recreational use of cannabis,which has a detailed body of evidence suggesting adverse mental effects with prolonged use.

The study has been published in the journalThe Lancet Psychiatry,as part ofThe Lancet’s series on drug use more generally.

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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