Rising childcare fees deter more parents from returning to work

Almost 17,000 more people are not working across Australia because they are caring for children at home due to the cost of childcare,as fees continue to rise beyond the rate of inflation.

The latest data released by the Productivity Commission shows childcare fees rose by 5.6 per cent to a national median of $523 between 2019 and 2020. The biggest increases were in the ACT,Victoria and NSW.

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ACT parents paid $595 for a child to attend 50 hours of centre-based care per week in 2020,while Victorians paid $546 and NSW parents paid $535.

Over the same period nationally,the number of people who were not in the workforce because they were caring for children grew from 279,200 to 296,100,and the number of people who cited the cost of childcare as the reason for that increased by 23 per cent.

The government introduced means-tested subsidies in 2018 to cover up to 85 per cent of childcare fees for those on the lowest income bracket,increased the annual cap on government support and abolished it entirely for families earning less than $186,000 per year.

But Australian Bureau of Statistics figures indicate that out-of-pocket costs have risen since then,by as much as 3.2 per cent in Brisbane and less than one per cent in Sydney and Darwin.

Labor’s early childhood spokeswoman Amanda Rishworth said the benefits of the new system had been eroded because fee increases had grown quicker than inflation.

“The system has failed to keep a lid on out-of-pocket costs,” Ms Rishworth said. “Childcare fees have skyrocketed and the government support has failed to keep up.”

Grattan Institute researcher Kate Griffiths said the higher fees partly reflected rising wages and rent,particularly in high cost,inner city centres.

“But it could also be that some centres are taking advantage of the subsidy and we just can’t know that without a proper investigation,” she said.

The institute’s own research showed the cost of childcare was a significant disincentive for secondary income earners to work,particularly when it came to working more days,because the financial benefits were eclipsed by the reduction in their childcare subsidy.

Minister for Education Alan Tudge said childcare funding had increased by 77 per cent to $10.3 billion since the Coalition came to office and NSW families paid $4.48 per hour.

“The number of people not in the labour force due to caring for children has come down by more than 14 per cent since we first came to office,” he said.

“There are more than 280,000 more children in childcare now than when we came to office.”

Labor wants to increase the maximum subsidy to 90 per cent and remove the annual cap. It also wants the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to design a price regulation mechanism to look at prices and fees.

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Harriet Alexander is a reporter for the Herald.

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