Locals race to save giant rays stranded by monster tide on Australia’s north-west coast

Locals of the Shark Bay World Heritage Area along Australia’s north-west coast have triumphed in their effort to save a squadron of a globally critically endangered rays,which wild weather stranded in a shallow pool.

The low pressure system coinciding with high tide caused a “king tide” that pushed them into the pool,said local Leon Deschamps from aquatic film company Finn Films.

Giant guitarfish in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area along Australia's north-west coast,where wild weather caused a king tide to strand them in a landlocked pond. Credit:Finn Films

A resident saw the rays teeming in inches-deep water on her morning walk past Denham Lookout,affectionately known to locals as the Thong Shack,the shelter being draped in specimens of that ubiquitous footwear.

She rang Mr Deschamps,who recognised them as junior giant guitarfish,also known as the giant shovelnose ray,having recently spoken to a Murdoch University researcher looking for healthy population sites in WA,one of the last places in the world the species is thriving.

“In WA they are doing well ... but they are critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List,” said post-doctoral research fellow Karissa Lear.

“It’s very cool that in Australia and WA that we have populations doing so well,it is like a lifeboat population or Noah’s Ark for that species globally.”

The Department of Biodiversity,Conservation and Attractions office sent a ranger to help the locals relocate by hand the rays – which,when mature,can reach close to three metres.

“We just had five people picking up and carrying the bloody things,” Mr Deschamps said.

“These were up to a metre long and they didn’t want to be picked up. But we had to get them quickly back into water. We got them into another landlocked pond,the deepest one we could find.”

But they worried whether they would survive longer than a day or two in that waist-deep pool,with open water still 200 metres away.

Mr Deschamps rescuing one of the stranded rays in Shark Bay.

Mr Deschamps rescuing one of the stranded rays in Shark Bay.Finn Films

DBCA sent a marine parks co-ordinator to monitor the situation on Monday afternoon with hopes the coming high tide would help the rays escape on their own,with plans to reassess on Tuesday morning.

But last night’s high tide proved just high enough to reach the deeper pool. Every single ray managed to get back into deep water aided by a channel the volunteers dug.

“Lots of smiling faces up here this morning,” Mr Deschamps said.

Dr Lear is compiling information about where these unique rays,as well as the shark ray and wedgefish/white-spotted guitarfish are caught in Australia.

If you have caught or seen one,past or present,send in your sighting,including a location,date,and if possible a photo,to wedgefish@murdoch.edu.au.

Close up.

Close up.Finn Films

Emma Young is a producer,sub-editor and journalist with WAtoday. She is the winner of nine WA Media Awards and the author of two novels published in 2021 and 2023 by Fremantle Press.

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