Solo sailor Jessica Watson:'I’ve always been a cautious,sensible person'

Each week,Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week,he talks to Jessica Watson. Now 27,the sailor and adventurer was the youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world,between 2009 and 2010. Named Young Australian of the Year in 2011,she is the author of two books.

Jessica Watson on her decision to set sail solo around the world:"I just knew I had to do it ... even though that’s completely selfish."

Jessica Watson on her decision to set sail solo around the world:"I just knew I had to do it ... even though that’s completely selfish."Chris Hopkins


Did you grow up with religion?No,though I was baptised. And it’s actually something I give my parents a bit of a hard time about.

Why?Well,they didn’t give me the choice![Laughs]

Ah,like so many people:baptised against your will.And apparently there’s no way out. No way to take yourself off the record or un-register. I remember a moment where I was given a Bible for teenagers,and it did two things:made me into a bit of a feminist and put me off religion slightly.

Because you felt it wasn’t for you?The book framed girls as needing to be sort of careful about boys – modest and sensible. And I was just like,“There’s something not quite right about this.” But I have a lot of respect for people’s belief systems. And I’ve been asked a lot about whether I had any spiritual moments while at sea alone.

Were there any?While I can’t say there was a particular spiritual moment,there was a dolphin that followed me through six hours of storms. Things like that make you think there’s something beyond just what we’re seeing.


Before you embarked on your voyage,there was a lot of criticism and concern. Many pointed out your inexperience;some called you “irresponsible”. How much of that criticism was ageism and sexism?It’s hard to tell exactly. There’s no doubt that some of it was reflective of the fact I was a young girl. But interestingly,I had such an incredible amount of support from,like,this army of old men![Laughs] The criticism almost rallied people behind a 16-year-old in a sport and industry that hasn’t had many females in it.

When you finished your voyage,your face was everywhere. Did it make dating awkward?It was all weird,new and crazy at that time. And I don’t know what’s “normal” anyway.

Was the attention ever intrusive or violating? There was a long period when people speculated whether you and the former politician Wyatt Roy were together. You later confirmed he was only a friend.Yeah![Laughs]

How do you navigate people discussing your private life in a public forum?There were so many wonderful and positive things in my life at that time,some of the frustrating elements,luckily,didn’t get me down too much.

You’ve been a role model for girls and young women especially. Is that an honour or a drag?The amount of amazing things that come with it far outweigh the tough bits. I remember getting an Order of Australia,thinking,“Oh wow,I’d better behave.” But I’ve always been a cautious,sensible person.

I love that. You’re the cautious,sensible one … who also sailed around the globe solo as a teenager.It is strange! To this day,I’m the one telling people to put sunscreen on and saying,“Maybe you don’t need another drink.” But that’s actually quite common among people who do big adventures or sailing trips. We’re actually quite risk-averse,believe it or not.

What’s the sexiest place in the world?Paris. It’s such a cliché. But I think that’s why I was surprised that it was such a gorgeous place.


Before you set sail,the risk that you might die was the subtext of a lot of concerned conversations. Was it ever made explicit to you?It was much harder on those around me:my parents and immediate support team. I’d thought it through and gone,“That’s the absolute worst-case scenario.” But I’d also gone,“Well,what are we going to do to prevent that?” Adventures don’t have known outcomes. It’s not why you do them. And I was so sure,for some reason,that I’d rather take the risk than live a life where you’re holding back and too scared to do these things. I just knew I had to do it,that it was worth the risk somehow – even though that’s completely selfish,because of what[my death] would have done to those around me. It’s something I realise now,more and more.

How many “this is it” incidents did you have at sea?
Just one,really. This was after a particularly bad knockdown,that is,the boat being rolled upside down by a big wave. There had been a couple already and this particular one was just so violent:the impact of that wave;the boat being pushed upside down into the trough of the wave. I couldn’t comprehend how the boat could keep withstanding that force. But after that,having the chance to see that the boat was still in a sound condition gave me a lot of confidence. “Wow,it survived that;it can survive anything.”

Would you like to live forever?
It’s not a good idea.[But] it’s crazy to think about how I’m going to squeeze in all the things I want to do!

You’re in Melbourne,which is coming out of one of the toughest and longest lockdowns. To what extent does it feel like the life’s been sucked out of you?People have asked me for advice on surviving isolation. I don’t know how much I want to say,because it’s still so raw. You don’t want to be told to think positive when you’ve lost your business or haven’t seen your family in so long. It certainly wasn’t the year we all planned. But I’m fine. And there’s also been a sense of,“Wow,we’re living through history here.” It is extraordinary,actually witnessing this.

Jessica Watson is a “friend” of watch brand Longines.

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Benjamin Law is a writer and author of The Family Law and Gaysia.

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