This is D-Day for the nation's recycling crisis

Since China and an increasing number of Asian countries have rejected our kerbside recycling because of contamination,resulting in a waste crisis,Australians have been asking about the future of their weekly efforts to sort waste into the yellow bin. Why should they bother?

They are about to find out when state and federal environment ministers meet in Adelaide on Friday to decide on a national action plan. It’s appropriate they meet in South Australia because it is the best recycler in the nation,having implemented effective policies to save resources and foster new industry and jobs. It also has the lowest litter rate.

A Melbourne warehouse where thousands of tonnes of waste is dumped.

A Melbourne warehouse where thousands of tonnes of waste is dumped.Justin McManus

In the past 18 months other states have progressively deteriorated as the weaknesses in their programs have been revealed. Victoria only recycles 37 per cent of municipal waste,according to a recent report by Infrastructure Victoria – a far cry from the bloated claims of previous years.

NSW,which uses old data,shows kerbside recycling flatlining around 50 per cent of municipal waste,but this too may be an overstatement. Accurate drink container data collected as a result of the introduction of"return and earn"shows that the recycling rate claimed by the government had previously been massively overestimated. The rate has doubled to about 70 per cent since refunds were introduced in 2018,and litter volume is down by 40 per cent.

Some policies,such as refund schemes and waste levies imposed on landfilling,can make real structural change. But these have been few and far between.

Now the environment ministers have to respond. Otherwise we will see more landfill and the rise of giant incineration plants. These gobble up resources that could instead be reprocessed into new products,to be recycled again in a"circular economy". We only have a few years to get it right. Otherwise vast stockpiles of waste will have to go to landfill.

The agenda is big,with the recently added driver from the Prime Minister and the Council of Australian Governments to ban the export of the plastic,glass,paper and tyre waste that is being rejected by importing countries. Will the ministers deliver?

I’ve been involved in many meetings with agencies and industry since the beginning of last year. The prospects did not look good. Despite acknowledging the urgency of the situation,the development of paradigm-changing programs was muted. Weasel words like"investigate","explore","examine"and"discuss"were common. Many in the waste and recycling industry were similarly frustrated.

Now D-Day has arrived and what needs to be done is clear:comprehensive recycled-content requirements for infrastructure projects and packaging. Businesses and governments should choose recycled products,helping to establish a market for recyclables. Governments should match industry,dollar for dollar,in funding to expand reprocessing plants.

And we need to design for recyclability. Let’s stop making products that are difficult to recycle,and impose a ban on single-use and problematic plastics that are the major scourge of the oceans. There are plenty of practical alternatives,as shown by the Boomerang Alliance's Plastic Free Place program,which is working with hundreds of businesses in several cities.

This meeting of ministers is of generational importance. It’s time to stop the waste.

Jeff Angel is the director of the Total Environment Centre and the Boomerang Alliance.

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