Time is running out for Albanese to step up and lead


If you’re a federal politician who just likes politics for the sake of it,these are great times. Look at the leaders of the major parties. Why are they there? Chiefly to occupy their leadership positions,it seems. The Prime Minister is irredeemably superficial and willing to do or say anything to get himself out of today’s troubles,even if it’s certain to create more problems for him tomorrow. And the Opposition Leader is just … there.

Both are protected by rules that make it very hard – some would say close to impossible – for their party room colleagues toremove them betweenelections. The rules followed years of leadership instability on both sides.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese.Alex Ellinghausen

No one has yet devised a rule that ensures political parties will appoint leaders who are courageous,far-sighted and brimful of purposeful policy,so between now and the election to be held by May next year,we are shackled to Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese.

Will it be a genuine contest? Glib though he might be,Morrison has already demonstrated that he knows how to win an election.

Albanese,reassured by the rule that has guaranteed him a full term to display his abilities,has had complete control over the Labor Party’s political strategy since succeeding Bill Shorten in 2019,although admittedly he’s been hampered by the pandemic.

He presents himself as the safe pair of hands – “Albo”,the authentic product of inner Sydney public housing. His entire approach has been to avoid controversy,ditch previously controversial policies,strip back Labor’s platform and never raise the political temperature. From the outset,he pledged to hold back on the release of major policies until close to the election.

The Prime Minister says technology will be key to reducing emissions as he officially committed to net zero by 2050 in his speech at the Glasgow climate summit.

On the face of it,this is a conservative and level-headed strategy,and it would be,if it was being pursued by a Liberal leader. But for a Labor leader it is wildly radical and,in the context of political history,a monumental risk. Even “small target” exponent Kim Beazley,the previous Labor leader Albanese most resembles in personal demeanour,flagged the comprehensive Knowledge Nation policy package well ahead of the 2001 election.

Labor governments at the national level are a rarity. Of the 45 lower house elections held since Federation,Labor has won a mere 12,or 13 when you add the minority government formed under Julia Gillard after the 2010 election.

In the 120 years that Australia has been a sovereign nation,the ALP has governed for just 39 years. Not once has a Labor opposition fallen into office at an election.

This is why its current strategy is such a risk. Since the Second World War,only three Labor oppositions have been elected to office. All were helmed by a charismatic or “different” leader in Gough Whitlam,Bob Hawke and Kevin Rudd (the “different” one) and were equipped with a highly developed and well-understood package of policies. Rudd was also bolstered by the ACTU’s Your Rights at Work campaign.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd.Glen McCurtayne

Each time,there was a palpable enthusiasm in the community for change – not just a rejection of the status quo but an embrace of something new. It’s clear that the 13 unbroken years of Labor rule under Hawke and Paul Keating,almost certainly the two greatest talents the labour movement has produced,were an historical anomaly and that the usual political anti-Labor hegemony has been restored. What does Scott Morrison’s 2019 election win prove,if it doesn’t prove that?

Implicit in everything Labor is doing under Albanese are two things. Firstly,that he is driven by the need to show that he is the opposite of Shorten,who kept up the pressure on his opponents and ran out reams of policy but still lost.

Second,his apparent assumption that somehow the national political playing field is level and because it’s him who’s leading the ALP and not Shorten,he’ll get a better shake from the media and the public. He won’t. Too many voters don’t know what to make of him. In theResolve Political Monitor’s latest poll,29 per cent of those surveyed were undecided about his performance as Opposition Leader. Hiding his light under a bushel does not seem to be working.

With the Morrison government’s release of its risible decarbonisation policy – which just might do the trick for the Coalition in sufficiently neutralising the issue within a distracted electorate – and the PM’s special qualities on excruciating show globally,now seems the time to ask how the Labor Party and its supporters will feel should they find they’ve lost to Scott Morrison a second time.

That defeat would not be Albanese’s alone. Everything that’s being done – the policy delays and retreats,the immediate endorsement of the AUKUS pact,the leader’s tone that makes him sound more like a mildly engaged commentator than a vigorous,impassioned,active participant and advocate – has had the endorsement of the frontbench and the caucus. Time is running out for the Labor Party to show what it’s made of.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist.

Shaun Carney is a regular columnist,an author and former associate editor of The Age.

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