Tying research goals to business dollars a recipe for mediocrity


Could Australia lead the world in research and innovation? The Morrison government has a golden opportunity to make it happen. The Australian Research Council – whose competitive funding schemes support academic research across the physical,biological,and social sciences – has increasingly come under fire both from government and researchers (though for very different reasons). The unfit ARC is in desperate need of reform.

Stuart Robert is the federal minister for Employment,Workforce,Skills,Small and Family Business.

Stuart Robert is the federal minister for Employment,Workforce,Skills,Small and Family Business.Dominic Lorrimer

Just about any reform to the ARC would be a relief for an exasperated community of academics who are now accustomed to writing 100-page funding applications with little chance of success and with waiting times longer than the human gestation period.

But hopeful observers were dismayed by the content of acting Minister Stuart Robert’s recent “letter of expectations” which was delivered—without consultation with those affected—to the ARC’s CEO Professor Sue Thomas. The letter followed Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s recent announcement of the “Trailblazer Universities” scheme providing large grants to reward “commercialisation readiness,support for manufacturing,and industry alignment”.

The reforms outlined in Minister Robert’s letter will prioritise short-term research jobs that service the interests of commercial manufacturers. They will reward “translational research,” to be defined by measures including patents,IP claims,and commercial agreements.

They will put businesspeople on funding selection panels (a move that raises concerns not just about qualifications but also incentives). The plan takes a knowledge-seeking infrastructure and transforms it into a business support scheme. To say that the directive to the ARC for change is a missed opportunity would be an understatement.

Innovation and research is being tied to commercialisation by the Morrison government.

Innovation and research is being tied to commercialisation by the Morrison government.Getty

Australian business will celebrate this early Christmas present,being gifted a seat at the table in directing public research funding toward private interests. But the idea that short-term commercialisation of science will create world-leading research excellence is deeply mistaken. It shows no understanding of research ecology,whose processes are long-term,distributed,exploratory,and foundational.

No technological application can be truly understood,let alone harnessed for good,without an understanding of what makes a technology possible and what gives it meaning. Consider the advice of cold-war science advisers Jerome Wiesner and Herbert York,who explained why there could be “no technical solution” to the problem of national security in the presence of nuclear weapons. Their point was that no world-changing technology could ever be controlled by simply finding another scientific innovation (assuming one could be found at all). Instead,the solution would demand a deep understanding of psychology,history,politics,diplomacy,society,and culture. Today,as we read of proposals to offset global heating by dimming the sun with geoengineering gigaprojects,it’s clear that the lesson is yet to be learnt.

A technology may be ineffective,even dangerous,or may simply not realise its potential,if its designer does not understand the goals and needs of the people who use it;the historical contexts that motivated its development;the fundamental mathematics,chemistry,and physics that make it tick;or even the cosmic origins of its elemental make-up. We owe these diverse forms of knowledge to the truth-seekers of the past,and in turn we must pay our descendants forward with our own unfettered truth-seeking. Innovation arises in a vast ecology of knowledge,some of it sought for purpose,some inherited from other fields,and some simply stumbled upon by accident. Innovation cannot be hunted with a gun. It must be cultivated with the wisdom of long-term,open,interconnected thinking.

This is why the Morrison government’s directives to the ARC are such bad news for Australian innovation. They signal to our international collaborators that Australia is all-in on a parochial,short-sighted,short-term form of research policy that defines excellence as that which is “commercially applied”. The minister’s use of the term “blue skies research”—the opposite of agenda-driven research—is pure doublespeak. Tying research funding directly to business dollars is a recipe for mediocrity.

Many academics will adjust. Some will creatively orient their work to the politics of the day (as innovators have always done,mostly notably in times of war). They will ape the wording of the government’s arbitrary “national interest” criteria. Others will seek funding from other sources,directing our intellectual energies overseas.

But why seek these workarounds when instead we could truly lead the world in impactful science and innovation? There is no simple recipe for research excellence,but at least two principles are needed. The first is trust:find the most brilliant research minds and reward them with generous support,not stipulations and surveillance. The second is intellectual diversity:take a holistic approach to knowledge,see that very different ideas can interrelate and co-evolve,and acknowledge that the most impactful outcomes of research are rarely foreseen. These principles underlie the genius of some of the most successful research organisations in the world.

Take Germany’s Max Planck Society,a network of 86 institutes and research facilities,whose public funding ran to nearly €2 billion in 2020. The society runs on the Harnack Principle,“to allow outstandingly creative scientists,who think in interdisciplinary terms,scope for independent scientific development”. This creates a time-horizon of decades,the kind of scale that bridges generations. It generates research whose impact goes beyond lifespans,not framed by short-term political sentiments. It is about solving problems,not pleasing shareholders or university schools.

Another example,even more agile,is the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico,which runs on a budget of just $10m per year. This doesn’t stop them from asking the biggest questions going:the institute seeks ”to understand and unify the underlying,shared patterns in complex physical,biological,social,cultural,technological,and even possible astrobiological worlds”,with the goal of using the knowledge it builds ”to promote the well-being of humankind and of life on earth“.

Australia needs this kind of bold research thinking more than ever. But without serious investment,oriented to the long-term,with genuine commitment to a holistic understanding of scientific advances and their implications,Australia’s greatness in research is threatened by a sickening own-goal. There is nothing but an unaccountable lack of imagination and vision stopping Australia from become a world leader in research over decades to come.

Nick Enfield is the Director of the Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre at the University of Sydney.

Nick Enfield is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney.

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