Is your business at risk from organised crime? Lawyers,real estate agents beware

Lawyers,real estate agents and accountants are among otherwise law-abiding professionals who are helping organised crime groups to flourish in Australia.

Real estate agents are among the groups targeted by organised crime.

Real estate agents are among the groups targeted by organised crime.

"Professional facilitators may be voluntary enablers of organised crime activity,coerced into providing services through extortion or intimidation,or unwittingly provide services that facilitate organised crime activity,"according to the commission's consultation paper.

Organised crime groups used otherwise lawful specialists and professionals to help"distance (them) from criminal activity and provide a pretence of legitimacy".

Other services used included pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers and distributors,hydroponic equipment suppliers,licensed firearm dealers,motor vehicle wreckers or recyclers,scrap metal dealers,second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers and financial advisers.

The commission is reviewing regulatory schemes that aim to prevent organised crime from infiltrating lawful occupations and industries.

Commission chairman Philip Cummins said:"We are not pointing the finger at any industry. We are interested in what works. We are looking at how regulation works across a range of industries,and we will come up with a set of general principles for effective regulation."

Other industries and businesses which were vulnerable to being infiltrated by organised crime groups included commercial fishing groups,private security,debt collection firms,owner-operated brothels,waste management disposal companies and tattoo businesses.

To prevent future organised crime,the paper also included a"draft model"for assessing different occupations'risk of being infiltrated. This involved looking at whether they offered products that were useful to organised crime groups,including firearms. It also considered how well the industry was regulated and whether it allowed lawful revenue to mix with unlawful revenue.

While police traditionally investigated and prosecuted organised crimes"after the event","recent commentary suggests that organised crime is more likely to be reduced through addressing the factors that create opportunities for organised crime activity."

"In this respect,risk assessments may be used to identify the characteristics of lawful occupations and industries that may attract organised crime groups,"the paper said.

Former attorney-general Robert Clark tasked the commission with the review last year,in order to identify what makes certain industries vulnerable to organised crime infiltration and new measures to prevent this.

The public can make submissions to the commission's consultation paper on itswebsite by August 3.

Jane Lee is a legal affairs,health and science reporter.

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