Real estate agent licence granted to man with criminal history,bikie connections

Are you a convicted criminal? A former bankrupt? Someone banned from holding a liquor licence in Victoria for 15 years? Is your business partner a member of a notorious outlaw motorcycle gang? Are you currently facing serious criminal charges?

If the answer is"yes"to the above,then a career in real estate could still be an option for you.

A real estate agent's licence was granted to a man with a criminal history.

A real estate agent's licence was granted to a man with a criminal history.iStock

The Victorian Business Licensing Authority (an arm of Consumer Affairs Victoria) recently granted an estate agent's licence to someone with such a resume – a man whose criminal history and underworld connections stretch back nearly three decades.

The authority has refused to comment on the case to protect the privacy of the agent.

Fairfax Media is also unable to name the 60-year-old for legal reasons because he will soon stand trial on serious fraud charges.

It is not the first time John Doe (not his real name) has been in trouble with police or regulatory authorities.

In 1989,he was convicted of a serious assault. Five years later,he was charged with drug trafficking as a part of a National Crime Authority investigation. He was eventually convicted of drug possession for his involvement in the seizure of half a kilogram of cocaine seized by police at a former Melbourne nightclub.

Doe,who claims to be a pub and strip club manager,ran afoul of liquor licensing authorities in South Australia in 2005 after it was discovered he held a secret stake in an Adelaide pub despite his criminal history.

A court found Doe took $5000 a week in cash from a venue to which he had"no right"and was considered of poor character because of his close association to a outlaw motorcycle gang in Adelaide.

One of the bars linked to him became so notorious for drugs,violence,and organised crime that it was shut down by South Australian authorities.

In 2009,Doe was also banned from holding a liquor licence for 15 years by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal after he was caught secretly running venues in Geelong and Narre Warren.

That same year,Doe declared bankruptcy after racking up $285,000 in bad debts,including more than $43,000 in unpaid taxes.

In 2011,an investigation by Fairfax Media found Doe had violated the licensing ban by managing two popular Richmond pubs,the Royal Hotel and the Cricketer's Arms,both on Punt Road.

In 2014,investigators from Victoria Police's Fraud and Extortion Squad investigated Doe over his connection to a major fraud syndicate,which is before the courts.

He was charged with fraud-related offences in 2015 – a year before CAV approved his application to become a licensed real estate agent.

In February 2017,Doe established his own real estate agency,which company records show is half owned by the former president of a Victorian chapter of the same outlaw motorcycle gang he has long been associated with.

His business partner,who owns a tattoo parlour in Wodonga,also has an extensive criminal history,including drug trafficking offences.

In 2002,police found 68 grams of methylamphetamine,$18,350 in cash and a self-loading 9mm pistol at his Wodonga home. A further $29,850 was found stashed in false cavity in a work bench at the property.

As the"effective officer in control"of the new real estate business,Doe is responsible for the company's trust accounts that manage client funds and negotiating the sale of properties.

Belatedly,CAV implemented a restriction on his licence in May that requires him to report the outcome of any future court appearance within 48 hours.

A Business Licensing Authority spokeswoman declined to answer questions about its decision to grant Doe a licence,stating it does not comment on individual agents.

"The BLA conducts financial and police checks on every applicant,and a person who has had a disqualifying offence proven against them must apply for'permission'to be licensed as an estate agent,"the spokeswoman said.

"Permission is granted if the BLA is satisfied it is not contrary to the public interest,taking into consideration factors it is aware of,including a person's character or fitness to hold a licence."

However,the BLA notes that it can only consider"credible material"that it is made aware of.

The Real Estate Institute of Victoria recently urged the government to strengthen ineligibility and disqualification criteria in the Estate Agents Act.

"The REIV believes the current legislation excluding individuals convicted of serious indictable offences from holding an estate agent's licence is appropriate. These offences include violence,theft,habitual drug use and drug traffickers,"the REIV stated in a submission to government.

Cameron Houston is a senior crime reporter.

Chris Vedelago is an investigations reporter for The Age with a special interest in crime and justice.

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