Andrews dismisses'no status'plan but won't rule out longer lockdown

The Premier has not ruled out extending Melbourne's tough stage four lockdown but has refused to reveal any further details about the government's plans for reopening the state despite the leaking of a detailed draft blueprint.

Melbourne's stage four lockdown would be extended by a fortnight before restrictions are eased more significantly on September 28 according to the leaked document,which Premier Daniel Andrews stresses he has never seen and is out of date.

A draft blueprint of proposed changes around Victoria’s lockdown has been leaked,revealing restrictions what will be eased and when.

Under the early draft plan,the Andrews government planned to ask Victorians to pick one other household to form a"bubble"with for home visits and travel within Victoria.

Workers would only return to offices under stage one restrictions,which would come into effect once Victoria has recorded no new cases for 14 consecutive days – or essentially eliminated community transmission of COVID-19.

Melbourne's 8pm curfew would remain in place for an two more weeks along with strict business restrictions and limits on residents'travel.

However,singles would be allowed one visitor to their homes and limited outdoor gatherings would be permitted from September 14 when the state starts its road to recovery.

But Mr Andrews refused to comment on any elements of the plan at his daily press conference on Thursday.

"Sunday is the day the government will announce our road map,both for metropolitan Melbourne and different settings for regional Victoria,"he said.

"The documents that have been the subject of a lot of interest over these last few hours are out of date and have no status ... It's not a document that's come to me,or come to cabinet."

The Premier said more modelling on case numbers was needed before he would unveil the road maps out of lockdown for regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne on Sunday.

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"There is an enormous amount of modelling going on at the moment,"he said.

"That does take quite some time – literally thousands of scenarios are run through various computers and processes."

However,he would not rule out that some stage four rules could stay in place beyond the scheduled September 13 end date.

Modelling was being conducted to analyse the danger of moving to various sets of rules,he said.

"So if we do this package of changes,there’s say a 50 per cent risk that cases are going to get away from us. If you do this package of change,there's a 35 per cent risk,all the way through. It is a big job.

"These are some of the most difficult decisions I've ever made in 20 years of public life ... I don't get the luxury of doing what is popular."

His comments came afterVictoria recorded more than 100 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday,following days of double-digit figures. The state reported 113 new cases and 15 more deaths.

Fourteen of the 15 deaths were connected with aged care homes,but nine occurred prior to Wednesday.

The state's Deputy Chief Health Officer,Allen Cheng,said the leaked blueprint was old and he had seen"dozens"of updated plans.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra said the draft document bears no resemblance to the plans business leaders are working on with the state government.

Business leaders have been working with the Andrews government over the past week to develop new guidelines for easing restrictions.

"We've been broken up into about 10 different sector groups covering pretty much all of industry across the state – that's the work that's being done,it has not been finalised yet and it bears no resemblance to what was reported today,"Mr Guerra told ABC radio.

Mr Guerra said the"missing ingredient"in the plans he has seen was clarity about the average number of daily cases that would allow the government to ease harsh restrictions.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra is working on a'traffic light'system with the government to reopen the state.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra is working on a 'traffic light' system with the government to reopen the state.Wayne Taylor

"Let's get clarity. We've had enough time … we need to understand the numbers.

"We've got a new contact tracing system in place,we're wearing masks,we're social distancing and we're seeing how well the other states are doing it. We can’t keep punching in the dark."

What the'no status'draft says

According to the draft document,two people or a household would be allowed to meet outdoors and people would be allowed two hours of exercise a day which could be split into a maximum of two sessions when the stage four lockdown is slightly eased from September 14.

Libraries would also be allowed to reopen for collection and delivery.

'Stage three – plus'

It would not be until September 28 – under a lockdown level dubbed"stage three plus:stay at home"– that Melbourne's curfew would be lifted,students would start returning to schools,childcare would reopen without permits and groups of five people from a maximum of two households would be allowed to gather outdoors.

Personal training would be allowed outdoors with two people per trainer and outdoor pools would be permitted to reopen with up to 20 people per pool.

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'Stage two restrictions'

Under the criteria the government would use to determine when to ease restrictions,Melbourne would stay under the"stage three plus"lockdown level until the state records an average of five cases aday,with no more than three mystery cases of unknown community transmission,for two weeks.

At that point,Melbourne could move to stage two restrictions,where groups of 10 people would be allowed to meet outside,non-essential retailers could reopen and hospitality could resume outdoor dine-in service. There would be no limit on the reasons residents can leave home.

People would be asked to choose one other household to form a bubble with. Up to five visitors from the other household would be permitted at any one time,while overnight trips would be permitted only with other members of the bubble.

High-risk workplaces would be allowed to return to full capacity and restrictions on weddings and funerals would ease.

'Stage one restrictions'

The state would only be allowed to move to stage one restrictions if no new cases were reported for two weeks.

Under a so-called"stage one:stay away"level,workers would be able to start returning to their offices if they choose to,indoor dining would be able to resume and entertainment venues such as art galleries would be permitted to reopen.

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Paul Sakkal is federal political correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald who previously covered Victorian politics and has won two Walkley awards.

Michael Fowler is a reporter with The Age.

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