'Unprecedented in our lifetimes':Victoria issues grim economic warning

The unemployment rate in Victoria is set to double and house prices are expected to slide by 9 per cent this year due to the devastating economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Department of Treasury and Finance modelling shows Victoria is set for its worst economic battering since the 1990s recession,even if the spread of the virus remains slow for the coming six months.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas has warned the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be worse than expected.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas has warned the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be worse than expected.Jason South

The release of the grim economic forecasts came as the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry warned the government against “ad-hoc spending” of borrowed funds that may not address “structural” challenges needed to address the crisis.

In a letter obtained byThe Age,the peak business group urged the government to carefully manage its"debt accumulation"amid plans to take out a massive loan to fund its emergency measures.

The state government is using the calamitous predictions shown in the modelling to bolster its case for borrowing up to $24.5 billion to get through the crisis.

The price of a barrel of benchmark US oil plunged below $0 a barrel for the first time in history,a troubling sign of an unprecedented global energy glut as the coronavirus pandemic halts travel and curbs economic activity.

The modelling showed gross state product could fall by a massive 14 per cent compared to previous forecasts over the June and September quarters. It assumed 270,000 jobs would be lost with unemployment expected to peak at 11 per cent in the September quarter,which is more than double the current rate. It factors a fall in participation rate.

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The borrowing plan comes on top of the $1.7 billion already committed in the government’s “economic survival package” to support workers and businesses struck by the virus.

Treasurer Tim Pallas said the government would support businesses,workers and families through the crisis.

“This modelling paints a bleak and devastating picture for our economy – unprecedented in our lifetimes,but in Victoria we have the capacity to help those who need it most and recover,” he said.

Mr Pallas has previously said it was likely Victoria would need to draw down on the full $24.5 billion.

Premier Daniel Andrews promised to “stand with every Victorian affected by this crisis and support them through to the other side”.

The state’s chamber of commerce called on the government to sit down with businesses and unions as it formulates a stimulus package for the state,underpinned by the record $24.5 billion in borrowings.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra acknowledged Victoria’s dependence on tourism,international events and strong demand for hospitality across its bars and restaurants sector had heightened its exposure to the COVID-19 slowdown,compared to other states.

“This debt accumulation must be carefully managed to ensure Victoria’s fiscal position is not compromised and we retain the ability to deliver the infrastructure and services Victorians need … without saddling future generations with unsustainable debt,” he said.

Mr Guerra said some Victorian businesses had shown early signs of “pivoting” or changing their operations to suit the new conditions,citing manufacturers who had altered their production line to support medical industries,but added more needed to be done to support innovation among other businesses hit by the slowdown.

“This cash represents a generational opportunity for the state,but let’s put some guidelines on how it’s going to be spent … we need the state to bounce back,” Mr Guerra said.

“There’s an opportunity that if we[stimulate and support businesses] properly … we could come out in a stronger position.”

In response,Mr Pallas said the government was working with the chamber,workers and unions to deal with the crisis.

"This funding is about saving lives,saving jobs and setting Victoria up to recover from the pandemic over the next two years."

Department of Treasury and Finance secretary David Martine said the modelling laid bare the economic impacts of the coronavirus.

“Victoria is facing economic challenges we haven't seen in generations,” he said."The modelling will enable the government to plan and deliver measures to support workers and businesses,as well as the state's economic recovery after the pandemic."

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Benjamin Preiss is The Age's regional editor. He was previously state rounds reporter and has also covered education for The Age.

Samantha Hutchinson is the AFR's National Reporter. Most recently,she was CBD columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Before that,she covered Victorian and NSW politics and business for The Australian,the AFR and BRW Magazine.

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