Why are girls still forced to wear dresses at school?

Ever watched a little girl make her way around a playground in a dress? If it’s long,she’ll likely stand on the hem while climbing,constantly at risk of tripping and hurting herself. If it’s short,she’ll be self-conscious,having absorbed the message that she’s not to show her undies in public (toddlers,of course,have no such inhibitions,but by the time they reach about three or four the penny has generally dropped) .

But the main thing you’ll notice is how instinctively it inhibits her movement,and how she takes her physicality down a notch to accommodate it. Why then,would any school make its girls wear dresses as part of a compulsory uniform?

Illustration Matt Davidson

Illustration Matt Davidson

Let’s come back to that question in a moment,because there’s a little bit of alarming news that needs to come to our attention here. Last week,it was reported that Victorian children are the fattest in the country,with almost one-third now overweight or obese. And we all know what causes that:eating too much,eating poorly,and not exercising enough. So again,why would we insist on girls wearing something that restricts their movement and discourages activity?

Yet this is what many schools still do,despite many state governments now having uniform policies that force governments schools to offer girls the option of pants or shorts. Many private schools still insist on girls wearing dresses,offering no alternative.

Ever watched a little girl make her way around a playground in a dress?

Ever watched a little girl make her way around a playground in a dress?Gabrielle Charotte

Private schools tend to see their uniforms as an important part of their “brand”,a little aesthetic example of the kind of seriousness you can expect when you pay tens of thousands of dollars a year in fees. Similarly,some state schools see traditional uniforms as part of offering a genuine alternative to a private school – all the seriousness and cache without the hefty price tag.

Surely one of the first considerations in a school uniform should be whether students are comfortable and equal before they start each learning day.

So how about this for a solution:get rid of the skirts and dresses and just have gender-neutral uniforms. Schools can,of course,have their own branding through colour and design. But if they were to devise a uniform,with input from students,that was comfortable and adaptable to the weather,it would nullify clothes as an issue and allow students to concentrate on learning. Importantly,it would allow them to run and play and do whatever they wanted to without self-consciousness. And it would also ameliorate the problem that not all kids fit neatly into gender categories – something schools are increasingly having to deal with.

School uniforms are a good idea. They create a sense of belonging,remove the pressure to be fashionable from the many issues kids have to wrangle in a school day,and they effectively make what students are wearing a non-issue. As long as the uniforms are comfortable and affordable,they are great levellers.

There is good evidence that girls modify their physical activity when they’re wearing dresses.A 2012 Australian study of 10-year-old schoolchildren showed that girls were far more active when wearing their sports uniforms as opposed to their school uniforms – that is,when they weren’t wearing dresses.

This is certainly what Elisabeth Rhodes has found since the private school of which she is principal,Melbourne’s Lowther Hall Anglican School,last year revamped its uniform to offer girls the choice of pants and shorts as well as dresses. The school has also made shorts and pants compulsory for the youngest students in prep,years one and two,precisely because of that need to encourage young children to run around and play freely. And Rhodes has noticed a big change in the way the children play – they are much more active and happy to hurl themselves on the monkey bars without worrying about what they’re wearing.

Last year,Dr Amanda Mergler co-founded the groupGirls Uniform Agenda,precisely to campaign for change in this area. Against the background of the same-sex marriage vote and hysteria over the Safe Schools program,Mergler found a lot of the anxiety was around the idea that allowing girls to wear pants to school was about de-gendering them. That has since died down,and many schools are starting to see the light.

Mergler has heard just two arguments for insisting that girls wear dresses to school. The first is that they look “pretty” in them – a sobering reminder for anyone who thinks feminism has gone too far ­– and the second is that it is the “tradition”.

Tradition can still be part of a new school uniform – you just have to be a bit more creative about it. Victoria Police grasped this in 1981,when it introduced pants to the uniform for female officers. That’s right,37 years ago.

Times change. Smart schools change with them. Imagine if we viewed the curriculum in the same way – we’d still be shuffling bright girls away from languages and maths in favour of home economics and saying things like “I didn’t learn coding and it didn’t do me any harm!”

Equality comes about in small bursts. A simple,but meaningful,change we could make for girls – and young people generally – would be to leave the dresses and skirts for non-school times and instead offer a gender-neutral uniform. That would remove the pressure and discomfort dresses can place on girls and allow them to be comfortable,active,and fearless.

Amanda Dunn is the politics and society editor atThe Conversation. She is also the author ofThe New Puberty from MUP.

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