Was he guilty? Read the Pell documents and make up your mind

EDITOR'S NOTE:The High Court overturned Cardinal George Pell's conviction for historic child sex offences in a judgment handed down April 7,2020. In a unanimous decision all seven High Court judges found Victoria's Court of Appeal should not have upheld Pell's conviction. It found the evidence could not support a guilty verdict.

On Wednesday,Victoria’s Chief Justice Anne Ferguson acknowledged that George Pell’s prosecution for child sexual abuse had"divided the community". Soon after,she revealed that it had also divided her court. The state’s two most-senior judges,Ferguson and Court of Appeal president Chris Maxwell thought Pell’s conviction was safe. The state’s most respected criminal law specialist judge,former academic and prosecutor Mark Weinberg,thought it wasn’t.

NOTE:The High Court overturned Cardinal Pell's conviction for historic child sex offences on 7/4/20. All seven High Court judges found the evidence could not support a guilty verdict.

Neither division matters legally,any more than it matters that Pell’s first jury couldn’t agree on his guilt or innocence. The only decisions that count in serious criminal cases are a decision that all (or nearly all) jurors agree with (like the second jury’s guilty verdict) and that a majority of appeal judges make (like Wednesday’s rejection of Pell’s appeal). Dissenters don’t count.

But judges’ reasons matter. That’s why we don’t just leave criminal justice in serious cases to jurors alone. Jurors don’t provide reasons. We never know who they are. There are good reasons for that,but it makes it hard to be sure that a jury’s verdict is safe. That’s especially true in a case like this one where (again for good reasons) we don’t know who Pell’s accuser is or much of what he said to the jury.

Every state and territory in Australia (and most nations with lay juries,with the exception of the US) allows anyone found guilty by a jury to ask a panel of judges to decide if the verdict was reasonable. We do that because we know who judges are and have good reasons to think they are good at judging. More importantly,judges tell us their reasons.

George Pell leaves Melbourne's Supreme Court building in handcuffs on Wednesday.

George Pell leaves Melbourne's Supreme Court building in handcuffs on Wednesday.Jason South

That’s why Wednesday was so huge for victims,prosecutors and Pell’s second jury. Pell didn’t just lose his best chance of getting out of prison and clearing his name. The state’s two most senior judges published 125 pages explaining why the jury’s verdict was safe. Anyone can read them. They include lengthy portions of what Pell’s anonymous accuser said on oath,published for the first time. The public can never see what Pell’s jury saw – the accuser’s video testimony – but,since Wednesday,we can now read the Chief Justice’s and President’s response to that video. Both found what the accuser’s description of Pell’s crimes plausible and compelling,despite – indeed,because – he sometimes prevaricated or changed his story or got angry.

Anyone can also read a further 175 pages from one of Australia’s most respected judges explaining why the jury’s verdict was unsafe. Mark Weinberg’s dissent includes different parts of the accuser’s testimony. He doesn’t mince his words. He thought some of what the accuser said was unreliable or implausible. But he also said that the testimony would have been good enough to convict Pell on its own. The problem,Weinberg explained,is that it wasn’t alone. Other witnesses to events 23 years ago at St Patrick’s told the court how and why it was unlikely that anyone,especially an archbishop,could have abused anyone in that sacristy so soon after Sunday mass. Those witnesses are why Weinberg dissented.

Judges,even,maybe especially,top judges,disagree all the time. Wednesday’s two sets of reasons let us see why. The difference this time wasn’t just the three judges’ different takes on the accuser’s testimony or the other evidence in Pell’s case. The majority and dissent also split on how to decide if a jury’s verdict was unsafe.

The majority judges’ approach was to ask whether any of the claimed flaws in the prosecution’s case meant that the jury ‘must’ have had a doubt. They thought not,because there were explanations each and every time. By contrast,the dissenting judge repeatedly asked whether those same flaws left him personally in doubt about Pell’s guilt. They did,not individually,but all together. Pell’s conviction"cannot be permitted to stand",Weinberg wrote,because,in his mind,there is a significant possibility that an innocent person was convicted of child sexual abuse.

I think that the question of how to judge a jury is very important,and not just in this case. If we set the bar too high,fewer child sexual abuse convictions will stand up. The Chief Justice and President modelled their approach on a High Court judge who dissented when a slim majorityquashed such a conviction 25 years ago. Justice Weinberg's role model was a different dissenting High Court judge,one of two who would have freed Lindy Chamberlain fromher prison cell 35 years ago. If we set the bar too low,we risk more cases like hers,where innocent people owe their freedom to chance,not justice.

The High Court’s seven judges can weigh in on the split decision in Pell’s case,on the facts or (more likely) the law. Or not. They don’t have to decide and may prefer not to. But,as of Wednesday,anyone who iswilling to read over 300 pages can decide for themselves,not just whether Pell’s conviction is safe,but also how Australia’s judges should be deciding these things.

Jeremy Gans is a Professor in the Faculty of Law at Melbourne University.

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