Developer warns of planning ‘civil wars’ on the horizon if communities stripped of voice

The developer behind some of Perth’s biggest apartment towers has called for a planning unit created at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to be scrapped in a scathing critique of the state’s planning system.

Sirona Capital managing director Matthew McNeilly pointed to a recommendation by the State Development Assessment Unit to approve a deeply unpopular luxury aged care home in Nedlands as an example of how it was steering decision-making away from communities.

Sirona Capital managing director Matthew McNeilly.

Sirona Capital managing director Matthew McNeilly.Marta Pascual Juanola

Mr McNeilly,who lives across the road from the proposed development,said the SDAU had been created to fast-track big job-creating projects at a time of economic uncertainty but was now being used by developers to avoid community consultation and get projects off the ground that would have never been approved otherwise.

“This is not what the SDAU was intended for. We were all staring into the same COVID-19 abyss back in July,and maybe it was appropriate at that point in time but nine months later,here we are,the best-performing economy in the world and yet we are still using the same process,” he said.

“Frankly,I’m not quite sure why the SDAU hasn’t been disbanded.

“If you’re creating 1000-plus jobs and you’re spending half a billion dollars I get the economic benefit argument of that. But when you are talking little aged care facilities worth $30 million,where’s the state significance in that?”

Aged-care provider Oryx lodged an application to build the multi-story home across four suburban blocks with the City of Nedlands in June after five years of negotiations.

However,after a last-minute move by the council to retrospectively change its local planning scheme,which ruled the plans unacceptable for the site,the provider withdrew the application citing “extraordinary actions” by the local government and went to the SDAU.

Nedlands Mayor Cilla de Lacy said at the time the council had made the decision to retrospectively amend the local planning scheme after realising a loophole in the policy meant there were no limits on the bulk and build of future developments in the area.

The SDAU has now recommended the WA Planning Commission approve the aged-care facility at its upcoming meeting on Thursday,despite receiving about 600 submissions from locals opposing the development,compared to fewer than 70 in favour.

Set up in July as part ofWA’s biggest-ever planning system overhaul,the SDAU is tasked with fast-tracking approval for job-creating projects as part of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery plan.

Oryx's boutique aged care proposal for Nedlands.

Oryx's boutique aged care proposal for Nedlands.Supplied

It falls under the umbrella of the state’s most powerful planning body,the WA Planning Commission,and is made up of a group of expert planners who can decide to approve a proposal taking into account matters which are not planning-related.

Its main purpose is to divert projects worth more than $20 million from the standard Joint Development Assessment Panel pipeline directly to the WAPC.

Located in the corner of Betty Street and Melavista Avenue,across from Mason Gardens,the Oryx aged care home would replace the old Melavista Nursing Home,which closed in 2012,catering for 80 patients.

Residents are worried the development will overlook adjacent properties,overshadow the street and impact the amenity of the area,and claim the current design for 80 beds will likely be outlawed once new regulations based on the findings of a royal commission into aged care are made public in 2022.

But Oryx director James Turnbull said the company embraced small household residential aged care design,as recommended by the Royal Commission,in the proposal.

“This concept houses small groups of residents in a small household that incorporates a kitchen,dining,living and outdoor spaces,where they can enjoy daily living and where genuine relationships and partnerships are formed,” he said.

“At The Melvista,a typical household will be home to 13 residents,who will reside in large private rooms,including rooms up to 58sqm comprising a bedroom,ensuite,private living room,and private terrace.”

Mr McNeilly said community members had been given three days to prepare their submissions to the WAPC and allowed only three minutes to argue their point at the upcoming meeting on Thursday,even though the developer had had nine months to prepare its pitch.

He remained hopeful the WAPC would side with the residents but worried the shift in the planning system would bring further divide and “civil wars” over development proposals to Perth’s suburbs.

“We have a responsibility to build communities and build community. The system is going in the other direction,it has the ability to destroy communities,” he said.

“I think people across the state need to be aware of this is what’s coming. This is maybe the planning of the future,where the community or communities,residents are completely disenfranchised from the process.”

Mr McNeilly’s comments echo concerns raised by politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in September,when the new laws were labelled a “wild power grab by the Planning Minister” that benefited developers at the expense of the community.

At the time,a spokeswoman for Planning Minister Rita Saffioti’s office refuted the claims,saying the WAPC was the ultimate decision-maker if the minister chose to refer an application to the Premier through cabinet.

Marta Pascual Juanola is a crime reporter at The Age.

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