Fortescue confused by WA government support for Woodside hydrogen project that ‘doesn’t stack up’

The McGowan government’s support for Woodside’s proposed $1 billion hydrogen plant in Kwinana is “confusing” and incompatible with achieving net zero emissions by 2050,according to a senior executive of Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue Metals Group.

Woodside is considering producing ammonia in Kwinana,a hydrogen byproduct now used in fertilisers and touted as a future clean fuel. Gas will produce two-thirds of the hydrogen and power from the grid will be used to separate hydrogen from water for the remaining output.

Woodside’s proposed H2Perth hydrogen plant in Kwinana,south of Perth will mainly be powered by gas.

Woodside’s proposed H2Perth hydrogen plant in Kwinana,south of Perth will mainly be powered by gas.Supplied

Robert Grant,energy director for Fortescue clean energy subsidiary Fortescue Future Industries,said most existing manufacturers of ammonia were looking to switch from using gas that produces significant carbon emissions to green hydrogen made with water and renewable energy.

Mr Grant told Liam Bartlett on Radio 6PR he questioned why the WA government would support new carbon-emitting projects when reductions were needed to meet the government’s target of net zero emissions by 2050.

“We’re not angry,it doesn’t really stack up ... nobody else is doing that in the ammonia industry,” Mr Grant said.

“Why would you seek to burn more or use more gas and create the carbon dioxide legacy?”

Fortescue aims to make 15 million tonnes of green hydrogen a year by 2030.

Mr Grant said the target was set to be sufficient to give the steel mills that now buy iron ore from Fortescue the confidence the company could do the same with hydrogen to replace coal in the steelmaking process.

In October,Fortescue announced it would build a $1 billion plant in Gladstone to manufacture electrolysers that split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Mr Grant said Queensland won the plant in a competitive bidding process between states.

Mr Grant said Fortescue was developing “very substantial” wind and solar projects north and south of its Pilbara operations. The company was discussing with the WA government legislative and regulatory changes to allow large areas including pastoral leases to be used for renewable energy production.

Later on Tuesday,Fortescue chair Andrew Forrest and chief executive Elizabeth Gaines will face shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting in Perth.

Dr Forrest,who will attend virtually after returning from the Glasgow COP26 summit days ago,is likely to be questioned about his pursuit of green hydrogen by investors who until 12 months ago had their money in a pure-play iron ore mining company.

In just the past week deals have been announced between FFI and Argentina,Jordan and Papua New Guinea to investigate green hydrogen production.

In PNG,FFI will investigate the feasibility of seven hydropower projects and 11 geothermal projects to provide energy to split water into hydrogen.

Fortescue is accelerating its pursuit of green hydrogen as falling iron ore prices hit its revenue particularly hard due to its low-grade ore and doubts remain about its Iron Bridge magnetite project.

Iron Bridge,which will produce a high grade 67 per cent iron magnetite concentrate,was sanctioned in April 2019 at a cost of $US2.6 billion but a year later the budget blew out to $US3.5 billion.

Many industry participants doubt that production will start by the end of 2022 as planned or that costs will stay within the revised budget.

Peter Milne covers business for WAtoday,The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald with a focus on WA energy and mining.

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