Mark McGowan should be red-faced after greenwashing Woodside’s hydrogen plan

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan announced on Monday that Woodside may build a $1 billion gas plant in Kwinana south of Perth – without mentioning the word gas.

The proposed plant was important enough for McGowan and three of his ministers to down tools in the fight against COVID-19 for a few hours but oddly also not important enough to describe accurately.

WA Premier Mark McGowan.

WA Premier Mark McGowan.Getty Images

Mr McGowan and hydrogen minister Alannah MacTiernan’s press conference announcement and the government’s glowing media release,headlined ‘WA to become global clean energy powerhouse’,totalled 1259 words and yet there was no room for a single mention of “gas”.

Woodside’s media release was slightly more forthcoming than the government and did mention gas on page two,although an engineering degree was needed to work out that the investment would be predominantly fossil-fuelled.

The reality is that Woodside is considering building a hydrogen plant in Kwinana,dubbed PerthH2,that will be two-thirds gas-fuelled,but the company will not make a final decision until 2024.

However,according to the Premier,Woodside will produce hydrogen “using a range of measures but in particular,using electricity off the grid that is produced by people’s solar panels.”

Mr McGowan finished his spiel by congratulating the initiative to use “the power generated by people’s rooftops to export clean fuel to the world.”

That’s right,people power,his beloved people,will help free the world of fossil fuels ... with a bit of help from your friendly neighbourhood $23 billion LNG giant Woodside.

Gas with a few solar panels thrown in is the new smoke and mirrors.

So,what is really happening?

Woodside’s proposed H2Perth hydrogen plant in Kwinana,south of Perth.

Woodside’s proposed H2Perth hydrogen plant in Kwinana,south of Perth.Supplied

Blue hydrogen fades to grey on inspection

To see through the smoke you need to know a little bit about hydrogen,and government and company spin doctors hope you do not,so please read on.

The Premier was right about one thing when he said hydrogen produces no carbon emissions when it is used. Whether hydrogen is burnt for heat or used in a fuel cell to generate electricity,only water is emitted.

The problem is how it is made.

Most hydrogen now is made from gas with a process called steam methane reforming that vents large amounts of climate-warming carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The projected growth in hydrogen demand is entirely driven by the need to address climate change,so this so-called grey hydrogen is of no use.

One alternative is blue hydrogen,which the International Energy Agency defines as grey hydrogen but with the carbon emissions captured and stored or reused. Blue hydrogen is more involved than it may sound.

For Woodside to produce blue hydrogen at Kwinana it would need to deal with emissions when the gas is produced offshore,more emissions to pump it south,emissions from the power to drive the plant,the carbon dioxide given off when hydrogen is extracted from the gas,and ironically,emissions from the equipment required to capture the carbon dioxide.

Realistically,all these streams of greenhouse gases cannot be captured. However,as a minimum,the large volume of carbon dioxide from the chemical separation of hydrogen from gas that is the easiest to capture should be stored.

Woodside does not plan to capture any emissions from its gas plant,instead it will buy carbon offsets,such as paying for trees to be planted that will absorb carbon dioxide as they grow.

So,Woodside will not produce blue hydrogen at Kwinana,just old-fashioned dirty grey hydrogen with offsets.

What is wrong with that? Well,carbon dioxide stored underground has a good chance of staying there forever,but offsets can disappear in the next drought or bushfire.

Offsets have their place in the race to avoid the worst effects of climate change,but the world can only produce so many,and they need to be reserved for applications where there are no other options.

The gas producer appears to have seen the problem with its plan last year. Woodside’s submission to the federal government’s low emission technology called for “flexible and adaptive” regulation that would allow hydrogen to be classified “blue” with any verified offsetting methodology,not just carbon capture and storage.

Green hydrogen could be a mirage

In addition to greyish-blue hydrogen from gas,Woodside plans to produce one-third of the hydrogen at Kwinana by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using a process called electrolysis powered by electricity.

The IEA defines green hydrogen,which is heavily pushed by Fortescue’s Andrew Forrest,as “generated by renewable energy sources without producing carbon emissions in the first place.”

Again,Woodside’s Kwinana product does not meet the IEA’s definition as the electricity will come from the south-west grid,where in the past 12 months 78 per cent of power sold came from burning coal or gas.

Woodside plans to buy renewable energy certificates that are a payment to renewable generators to balance out the carbon-intensive grid the plant will connect to. These payments could support projects in the eastern states where governments are more supportive of connecting large scale renewable projects to the grid.

So much for the Premier’s people’s power. If the plant just used surplus solar power,it would only run a few hours a day.

Even Woodside knows its Kwinana proposal is sub-par.

True blue and green hydrogen are often referred to as clean fuels.

Neither Woodside’s media release nor chief executive Meg O’Neill’s comments on the day called its planned hydrogen blue,green or clean. Instead,the gas company called the hydrogen it plans to make “lower-carbon.” Lower than what was not specified.

The product also fails to meet the Smart Energy Council’s Zero Carbon Certification Scheme for renewable hydrogen.

Smart Energy Council hydrogen advisor Scott Hamilton said the scheme was designed to stop greenwashing of hydrogen projects.

“We only certify projects that are 100 per cent from renewable energy,” Mr Hamilton said. A small use of renewable energy certificates would be allowed to cover irregular circumstances.

“The Woodside project,as it’s currently proposed,would not be able to be certified by our scheme.”

Embarrassingly for the WA government,it joined the certification scheme in July as a founding member to,according to Hydrogen Industry Minister Ms MacTiernan,demonstrate its commitment to WA becoming an industry leader.

Having a bet each way

Another odd aspect of Woodside’s proposal is that it will use two completely different processes to make the same product. Wouldn’t a sensible company determine which was the best process and only use that?

Woodside’s position in a 2019 submission to the National Hydrogen Strategy was to produce blue hydrogen first as it was cheaper,with green hydrogen added years later when costs of renewable energy and electrolysers come down.

Hydrogen from gas first was also Woodside’s approach just months ago in a project description issued to potential consultants seen byWAtoday.

In the document,stages 1 and 2 at Kwinana involved making hydrogen,converting it to ammonia for ease of transport and exporting it through an existing jetty. Stage 3 added the export of liquid hydrogen using a new jetty and green hydrogen was only added in stage 4.

So,either Woodside has recently reassessed the economics of blue and green hydrogen,and they are so close it placed a bet either way,or the green hydrogen component is a public relations ruse that will be quietly dropped later.

Woodside also laid out the possibility of electrolyser capacity at Kwinana increasing 12-fold in the future. More than half the cost of green hydrogen comes from the price of power delivered to the plant.

Other green hydrogen projects proposed in WA,such as the $50 billion Asian Renewable Energy Hub in the Pilbara,collocate power generation and hydrogen production to slash transmission costs. It strains credibility that Kwinana could be competitive once Western Power’s transmission bill is paid.

Meanwhile,Woodside plans to sanction its controversial $16 billion Scarborough LNG project in December and will welcome all favourable publicity.

Mr McGowan should remember that in 2006,to get approval for the Pluto LNG project,Woodside promised his predecessor Alan Carpenter it would sell gas equivalent to 15 per cent of its LNG sales to the domestic market “providing it is commercially viable”.

Pluto was built,but 15 years later it has delivered negligible amounts of gas to WA.

Until the commercial viability of PerthH2 is revealed,130 hectares of scarce industrial land in Kwinana that the government promotes as “Lithium Valley” is allocated to Woodside’s not-really-blue and not-really-green hydrogen plant.

It would be unfortunate if investments in downstream processing of battery chemicals are lost to WA due to a lack of suitable land.

The Conservation Council of WA criticised PerthH2 as carbon-intensive and a “greenwashing exercise for Woodside”.

Mr McGowan said he thought the CCWA response was “pretty weak” as Woodside was using renewable energy and “any other forms of energy are being offset.”

“Any other forms of energy?” It is called gas,Mr Premier.

A three-letter,one-syllable word. Surely within the vocabulary of a man with a law degree?

Either the Premier has been played by Woodside to support this project,or he is playing us at Woodside’s bidding.

Neither is a good look. In fact,it is pretty weak.

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Peter Milne covers business for WAtoday,The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald with a focus on WA energy and mining.

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