Nursing assistant sent COVID-positive mum and child to wrong part of Perth hospital

A Fiona Stanley Hospital assistant nurse manning the triage booth outside the emergency department sent a COVID-positive mother and child to a paediatric emergency waiting room instead of the section of the hospital reserved for COVID patients.

The incident on Saturday evening sent five families waiting in the room,along with some staff,into isolation.

The hospital said staff would learn from what happened on Saturday evening.

The hospital said staff would learn from what happened on Saturday evening.iStock

Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson has called for a full review of the incident.

Ms Sanderson said the assistant nurse was tasked with speaking to people arriving at the hospital in a booth outside the emergency department and should have sent a COVID-positive patient to a different part of the hospital.

“She questioned it but was directed into the waiting room,” the Minister said of the mother who brought her child to hospital after the child started vomiting. The Minister stressed that the woman with COVID did nothing wrong.

“She entered the waiting room. As soon as she was triaged,triage immediately identified that she shouldn’t be in the waiting room and they were isolated.”

Staff at the time were wearing N95 masks and goggles,and families in the waiting room were wearing masks. But they have been deemed casual contacts.

“Further training will be undertaken to ensure all staff,whether it’s agency staff or whether it’s hospital staff,are fully aware of their obligations prior to going into that triage,” Ms Sanderson said.

“It will be a wake-up call for those staff working on the front line that we really do have COVID in our community now. This isn’t a practice run.”

But Australian Nursing Federation WA secretary Mark Olson said the incident was the result of a system failure and not the fault of an individual.

“The situation is another example of communication difficulties and communication failures occurring in the public health system which I have been raising repeatedly for months,” he said.

“The nursing assistant was relieving,they had not been given all the relevant information. This breach of protocol would not have happened had there been a qualified nurse doing that job because they would have known not to put a COVID-positive patient in a crowded emergency department waiting room.”

Mr Olson said this was what happened when qualified nurses were replaced with nursing assistants.

While they could fulfil important roles critical to the ongoing functioning of the health system,COVID triage outside an emergency department should not be one of those roles.

A spokeswoman for the South Metropolitan Health Service,which runs Fiona Stanley Hospital,apologised for the incident.

“Despite all COVID protocols and processes being in place and made clear to all staff,the staff member unfortunately and incorrectly still directed these patients into the paediatric ED,” she said.

“Both were wearing surgical masks,but some casual contacts have been identified,including two staff. All impacted people have been contacted and instructed to isolate.”

The hospital is conducting a full review and the spokeswoman said staff would learn from the incident.

She said procedures to protect staff and patients from COVID exposure were in place and would be refined,communicated and tested.

“We want to assure the public that our ED is safe and people should continue to seek emergency care when appropriate and required,” she said.

WA Liberal Party health spokeswoman Libby Mettam labelled the incident an embarrassment.

“We have had two years to implement basic protocols and plans with respect to COVID yet it appears we have stumbled at the first major hurdle,” she said.

“It’s more than a wake-up call,it’s gobsmacking and deeply disturbing that our health system in is this position.

“It also validates the Opposition’s fears that there are no plans to deal with COVID,this government has been asleep at the wheel,smug behind a closed border but hasn’t done the heavy lifting it promised the public it would do behind the scenes.”

Mr Olson called on the state’s Health Minister to follow the Victorian model where he said people studying to be registered nurses were being employed.

“As the nursing shortage has deteriorated,we have seen widespread replacement of nursing with nursing assistants,” Mr Olson said.

“That is not fair on nurses,that is not fair on nursing assistants and that is certainly not fair on patients.”

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Aja Styles is a senior writer for WAtoday and 2021 Arthur Lovekin winner for her investigations into higher education. Aja also served as a national digital Culture editor at The Age.

Daile Cross is the Editor of WAtoday.

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