‘Running on vapour’:Stalled WA homes mean more builders on the edge

Tens of thousands of people across Australia took advantage of the pandemic stimulus on offer from both the state and federal governments.

That stimulus is now blamed for overheating the construction sector,and those whose home building dream has become a never-ending nightmare would quite naturally be blaming their builders.

Thirty-one residential building companies in WA have collapsed under the weight of cost and labour pressures in the past 12 months,according to ASIC.

Thirty-one residential building companies in WA have collapsed under the weight of cost and labour pressures in the past 12 months,according to ASIC.Getty

But for every stalled home build is a construction company walking a tightrope that has proven fatal to a growing number of their peers in the midst of what has been dubbed “the profitless boom”.

The government hand-outs in June 2020 drove a spike in demand for materials and tradespeople at a time when supply chains had been strained by the COVID pandemic and the labour pool restricted by the closure of borders.

The industry had just emerged from a four-year slumber,which had seen many tradies vacate the job.

With unemployment rates nearing record lows,builders were forced to compete with high-paying industries like mining for an already shrunken labour pool just as the cost of construction materials was skyrocketing.

It wasn’t long before the builders who priced jobs in 2020 found themselves struggling.

The average cost of building a home in Perth has experienced its sharpest increase within a two-year period since the turn of the century,reaching $383,528 in November,and the number of homes under construction across the country more than doubled.

AWAtoday analysis of ASIC data reveals that 31 residential building companies in WA have collapsed under the weight of those pressures within the past 12 months.

But the list is also littered with others in the industry,from construction services companies to tilers,materials suppliers,and painters.

It’s been repeatedly referred to as a ‘perfect storm’,but industry sources toldWAtoday the challenges brought on by the pandemic had merely shone a light on an already broken system.

With projections indicating WA will need to build 20,000 homes annually to keep up with population growth and fears it could be another 18 months before the situation improves,industry groups are demanding action.

Builders ‘running on vapour’

The Association of Professional Builders’ cofounder Russ Stephens said cashflow issues were the primary reason for stalling home builds.

Despite supply chain issues having improved,Stephens said many builders were running out of cash and struggling to pay their suppliers and subcontractors on time,which was leading to delays on site and dwindling confidence among consumers.

Industry sources warnedWAtoday that in the current economic climate,no builder was immune.

But Stephens said it was those that swarmed on the industry and took on more contracts than they could service in 2020 that were bearing the brunt of the cost increases.

“There are so many building companies in our industry now trading with negative equity because of the huge sums of money they lost through signing contracts on the back of a COVID boom before costs rose,” he said.

“Those companies are running on vapour at the moment,they’re barely surviving,and it’s why you’ll see numerous complaints of home builds stalling,because they’ve destroyed their equity and now they’re starting to run out of cash.

“Those companies are vulnerable and they will continue to fail for another 18 months.”

Having been charged with picking up the pieces and determining what went wrong,WA Insolvency Solutions managing partner Jimmy Trpcevski confirmed they were rarely the product of an ‘overnight disaster’,but rather cost overruns taking their toll.

He said subcontractors were declining to do work until they had secured payment,which was putting additional pressure on a business’ cash flow.

“There’s a lot of gun to the head type deals being done,which further erodes profit margin on a fixed-price contract,” he said.

“It’s the run-over costs of delays in getting materials and labor costs that we’re seeing that attribute to a lot of the financial difficulty and distress.

“If someone has gone in with a low tender to get the work and is operating with a small profit margin,it’s tight from the outset and that’s a recipe for disaster.”

Trpcevski said indemnity insurance caps had also exacerbated the cash flow problems.

Indemnity insurance cover is determined based on a builder’s financial capacity and restricts how many projects a company can take on at any given time.

It’s designed to protect customers if the builder goes under.

But the caps have prevented builders from taking on more builds to improve cash flow before their others reach a certain milestone.

He said there was a misconception that the directors behind collapsed companies walked away scot-free,but that it couldn’t be further from the truth.

“There’s a lot of stress,there’s a lot of pride and,for people who have been in the industry and live and breathe it,the pride issue is huge,” he said.

“There’s always a personal guarantee attached,so whatever the creditor is feeling,the directors are equally feeling that as well.”


Few know the industry quite like home building giant BGC,which has ridden the highs and lows of WA’s cyclical economy for the past six decades.

But according to BGC,there has never been a more difficult time to be a builder.

The company recorded a $41.6 million loss last year.

A BGC Housing Group spokesperson told WAtoday the labour shortage remained the most pressing issue.

“This is limiting the housing stock availability in Western Australia,and needs to be rectified in order for the state to grow,” the spokesperson said.

“We also need to ensure there is stability within the industry and an investment in apprentices.”

An industry demanding change

Master Builders Association WA released a swathe of proposed reforms in November,including a move away from fixed-price contracts and a long-held mentality that the lowest price should win.

Trpcevski said he believed the measures being sought by the lobby group,including for changes to legislation and project bank accounts,were a step in the right direction.

But he agreed labour was a significant issue.

“I think there’s a perpetual state of limbo for a lot of businesses who are sort of teetering on financial difficulty,” he said.

“Often they’re just waiting for an event to push them over the line,whether that be a loss of another job or costs escalating or,in the current situation,they cannot find the labour to do the work.

“Something needs to give. There has to be a level of reset for people to draw a line in the sand and move forward.”

While conceding the pandemic had since significantly changed the housing market,the state government insisted the number of registered builders falling over was consistent with those recorded in previous years.

A state government spokesperson said it had already committed to working with the MBA on its recommendations,several of which it had already adopted or pursued via initiatives with the same desired outcome.

“Ensuring the building industry remains stable is a key priority for the state government,and we are keeping a close watch on the industry for tell-tale signs of financial trouble,as supply and labour shortages place pressure on building projects across Australia and internationally,” the spokesperson said.

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is a journalist with WAtoday,specialising in civil courts,business and urban development.

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