‘In an imperfect world,we have the perfect conditions to open’:WA doctors oppose keeping hard border

West Australian doctors are calling for Premier Mark McGowan to reopen the border as promised,saying the medical system is as ready as it will ever be.

Perth anaesthetist Luke Torre began a public petition to highlight concerns over how indefinite delays and betraying people’s trust would lead to less compliance with testing,QR code check-ins and mask-wearing.

WA doctors have signed a petition calling on the state government to open the borders as planned,arguing opening later could coincide with winter and the flu season.

WA doctors have signed a petition calling on the state government to open the borders as planned,arguing opening later could coincide with winter and the flu season.Nick Walker

“In an imperfect world,we have the perfect conditions to open our borders to our country and the world,” Dr Torre’s petition said.

“We are a 90 per cent double-vaxxed population,the vulnerable have been boosted with a third dose,it is summer,we are an obedient and compliant population,and we have a weaker variant at the moment in Omicron.

“An opening closer to or in winter,with a less compliant population,with potentially a new unknown variant will not give us a better outcome.”

Dr Torre said the Chief Health Officer’s report failed to model the delay and hospitals had been allowed to employ 25 per cent extra staff to manage COVID based on a February 5 opening,with those staff now sitting “with nothing to do on the taxpayer’s purse”.

He said the police force had moved to a mandatory shift work roster,with the cancellation of all transfers,in a pattern of work they wouldn’t normally want,as well as other business and travel impacts.

“Emergency powers are not to be used lightly,” he wrote.

“We have lost proportionality of response and have ignored the Australian way of life.

“Business and systems have planned for this date for two years. We are as ready as we will ever be.”

Being on the frontline of COVID-19,Dr Torre told 6PR’s Oliver Peterson his number one concern was the consequence of betraying people’s trust.

“The problem,Mr Premier,is that if you say 80/90 per cent triple-vaxxed then we open,well,I’m sorry mate,you’ve burnt your reliability,you’ve burnt your sincerity,” he said.

“And all I would say back to you is fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice,shame on me.”

Former national and state president of the Australian Medical Association Michael Gannon was among more than 1000 signatures on the petition,despite WA’s AMA branch lobbying heavily for greater suppression.

“There’s a variety of views amongst doctors and within the AMA Council,but this is a very human piece of writing and I was very happy to put my name to it,” he told 6PR.

“I was very disappointed when the Premier pulled the rug from beneath 2½ million Western Australians.

“Our day with the virus is coming and to the extent that we can control it ... we should take that opportunity and take it now.”

Dr Gannon said those oldest and sickest,and first-tier healthcare workers would be three months post-vaccination as of February 5,with vaccination effectiveness starting to wane.

“If we choose to wait until winter to have our peaking cases,then the burden of disease with influenza around at the same time is likely to cause more debt,more destruction,” he said.

Dr Gannon said people needed to move away from the debate about the unvaccinated or those who were anti-vaccine being a menace to society as they would end up at a GP,or in an emergency department in a hospital in an intensive care unit.

He said it was more important to put in place public health measures like social distancing,masks and limited attendances,which New South Wales failed to do.

Dr Kannan Venugopal,a Perth gastroenterologist,said fearmongering about the situation in eastern states hospitals was false,telling 6PR the average age of those dying from COVID-19 was 84 years old.

“It is not killing young people it is a disease which is killing older people mainly,not that that is to be taken lightly,but we have to reassure people,” he said.

“So the government messaging has been really bad and the AMA has been terrible.”

He said 50,000 to 60,000 infections did not consider there was 70 to 90 per cent less chance of dying from Omicron than previous variants.

“So the risk of dying from Omicron COVID-19 is 1.4 in 100,000 if double-vaxxed and 0.27 per 100,000 if you’re triple-vaxxed,” he said.

“The medical world has come out with a formidable medical arsenal;we have vaccines which are very,very effective,we have treatments which are effective. And it is important to have our civil liberties back.”

The sentiments were shared by a pair of Perth-based doctors,who did not want their names published as they were seeking work in the eastern states to escape WA’s hard border measures.

In a letter to 6PR’s Gareth Parker,the couple wrote that two years of not being able to see their families overseas “with no end in sight is too much”.

The doctors – one working in a hospital emergency department and as a general practitioner – said last week’s border delay announcement did not make sense due to waning immunity for the vulnerable and healthcare workers.

They said opening up in winter,when GP practices and emergency departments were at their busiest,would lead to worse outcomes,not better.

AMA WA president Mark Duncan-Smith agreed Omicron was a mild virus but said it was three times more infectious than other variants and modelling showed states could reduce the peak of infections from 30,000-40,000 to 6000-10,000 cases through suppression.

“Last Monday when I presented those figures based on the South Australian modelling,which that modelling has proved to be incredibly accurate,I called for restrictions,” Dr Duncan-Smith said.

“I did not call for a delay in the borders.”

He said medical opinions had been polarising,and had received letters from those advocating for more time to vaccinate children,while others wanted to see their families.

Dr Duncan-Smith was surveying his members to see what they believed was the best solution,but in the meantime called for low-level restrictions to be enforced to limit capacities and stop “superspreader” events.

He denied that he was overstating the case and scaremongering.

“It’s backed up by evidence. And to me that isn’t fearmongering,that’s providing evidence and a scientific basis for decision-making.”

On Sunday,Australian Nursing Federation state secretary Mark Olson disagreed that immunity would wane significantly by holding back WA’s reopening.

“When it comes to your protection against severe disease,that’s not going to wane that much,” Mr Olson said on Sunday.

“The studies are telling us that where it wanes is in the actual catching of the virus,not in the protection against severe disease ...[or] keeping all of you out of hospital.”

Mr Olson said the border delay was necessary to allow the 200 recruited healthcare workers to make it into the state to deal with Omicron,but called for Mr McGowan to reassess the border on March 5.

Aja Styles is a senior writer for WAtoday and 2021 Arthur Lovekin winner for her investigations into higher education. Aja also served as a national digital Culture editor at The Age.

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