What are cyber attacks and how do they happen?

A major hack of political parties has come less than a fortnight after another hack of MPs databases in Parliament. What is a cyber attack and how does it happen?

Australian political parties and Parliament have been hacked in the past fortnight with China said to be the main suspect. But how does this happen? What is malware? And how do investigators work out whodunnit?

The Liberal,Labor and National parties have been hit by a sophisticated cyber attack.

The Liberal,Labor and National parties have been hit by a sophisticated cyber attack.SMH

We asked the director of UNSW Canberra Cyber Nigel Phair who is a leading cyber security analyst.

What is a cyber attack?

I would class a cyber attack as an attack against the IT infrastructure of an organisation.

Is a data breach the same as a cyber attack?

A data breach might arise from a cyber attack.

What's the distinction?

In my old purist form,I call a cyber attack a denial of service or some sort of brute force attack against an organisation that could result in a data breach. That's just how I define it. I call it a data breach when there's been a loss of data. It could be criminals that hack into an organisation and exfiltrate data. There's a bunch of scenarios.

Reports on this latest attack say that hackers started “prodding around” in November. What does prodding around mean?

That could be a range of things. It could be looking at IP addresses,vulnerable end points on the computer network …

What's a vulnerable end point?

Anything from a mobile device to a desktop to some part of a network that you could get access to. It could be a person.

How could it be a person?

One of the easiest ways to hack into an organisation is through a phishing attack where you do a social engineering attack against a person and get them to divulge their details,click on a link. You’ll get an email that,traditionally,purported to come from a bank or a financial institution or someone you know on social media and it’s getting you to do something:click on a link to download something.

In the recent hacking,it was reported that the “malware signature” was new and hadn’t been seen before by Australian cyber spies. What's a malware signature?

Malware is malicious software. You think about your traditional Norton Antivirus. That’s constantly scanning for signatures and,in this case,it’s a new signature that it[whatever the security software in use was] hasn’t seen and it’s got through by exploiting a vulnerability in the network.

But what does the signature look like? Is it a string of code or something?

Yes. It’s a unique identifier that proves who you are.

But really the substance of what you're dealing with are strings of numbers?

Yes,it's ones and zeroes at the end of the day,that's all it is.

Ones and zeroes?

Essentially,that’s all a computer knows. A one or a zero. When you type the letter L,it's a series of ones and zeroes. All a computer does is decipher numbers,letters and characters into a series of ones and zeroes.

What’s a cyber spy?

When you think about your traditional statecraft spy,it’s someone who does it online rather than physically.

Do you have a profile of who these people are?

Once upon a time you might have,but it’s really morphed. Attribution is really difficult.


Because you can obfuscate where you come from,or you can pretend to be in a jurisdiction that’s not yours and point the finger at another nation state,for example. So you might be in Sydney but you could pretend to be using a computer in Melbourne or Vladivostok or somewhere else.

So that's what the reports mean when they say the hackers “covered their tracks”?


The reports also say the hackers exercised “command and control” to direct the malware. What does that mean?

It’s a very militaristic term. They’ve got ownership of the network and they’ve got command and control … to get it do functions or program it to do things. It might be to exfiltrate data or look for particular files – those sort of things. They’re probably searching for trophy information – valuable information.

And they’d be using that trophy information for potentially what?

When you think about the data that a political party has,apart from probably a database of all the electorates,it’s going to have emails,calendar invites,files notes,spreadsheets,it might be next week’s tactics in Parliament,it might be fundraising details.

Do different countries have different styles of hacking?

Not overly. It’s hard to finger one country versus another. Until they do a thorough forensic investigation,they’re not going to know.

In thatCSI crime show,they go around dusting for fingerprints. What would an investigation look like in this instance?

You’ll have investigators that'll turn up on site and you’ll have those that are doing network forensics.

So what does network forensics look like? People sitting at computers in a room?

Yep. Pretty much.

Are they uber high-tech?

They're highly trained individuals.

If you can hack political parties and you can hack Parliament,what else can you hack?

Any network that’s open to the internet can be compromised. If a nation state wants to get into a network and hide in the network,they won’t leave any clues that they’re in the network.

How was this hack discovered?

That hasn’t been divulged.

It could have gone on and on.


Ok,so cue paranoia.


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Felicity Lewis is the National Explainer Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald,The Age,WAtoday and The Brisbane Times.

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