'Who cares if some rich person is cancelled?'Bestselling novelist Kiley Reid on race and class

Each week,Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week,he talks to Kiley Reid. The 33-year-old American author’s debut novel,Such a Fun Age,triggered a bidding war among publishers and the film and TV rights were optioned. It was longlisted for this year’s Booker Prize.

Kiley Reid:"The consumption of black art is not giving power to people who need it most."

Kiley Reid:"The consumption of black art is not giving power to people who need it most."David Goddard


Why did you pursue writing as a career? Financial stability?[Laughs] Oh,that’s a good one. In college,I studied acting and religious studies – not a whole lot of stability there,either. Then,a few years after college,I just realised I’d rather be writing more than anything else. But writing is obviously very hard and not a stable[financial] situation – like most art.

Your writing focuses on class dynamics and money. Why?As I got older and into my 20s,the differences between people’s income and wealth – especially in black women’s lives – started making more sense to me. While my protagonist Emira[inSuch a Fun Age] and I are very different,I definitely had the same experience of not having healthcare in my 20s. And in my 20s,I also realised people making billions of dollars are not always working as hard as people making close to nothing.

You’ve written an international bestseller. Are you rich now?[Laughs] Compared to the rest of the United States,absolutely. I have what every person deserves:to be comfortable,to live in a place they feel is healthy for them,to have great education and quality healthcare. On one level,yes,absolutely[I’m rich]. On the other level,is it “rich” if it’s what everyone deserves?

In the age of COVID-19 and lockdown,what do you miss spending money on?Oh,man. I had to cancel a lot of events for the book tour,and I had no idea I would be so moved by connecting with readers. So I definitely miss being on book tour and coming back to my hotel and buying a little drink.

Have you made any strange COVID-era purchases online?I knew this was coming! Okay … I may have spent,like,$50 on really great granola.


Your book can be viewed as political,with commentary on race and class. When you sat down to write it,did you think of it as a political book?Not at all. It has to be about the characters,it has to be complex,and so I always start with people. For me,I knew I wanted a really awkward situation between a young woman,her employer and her new boyfriend. But I also think that if you’re writing a modern-day story – especially with a black caretaker and a white mother – and you’re not including how history affects those things,you’re kind of doing a disservice to the characters in the story.

So much of the story is about these characters and how they’ve been affected by structural racism. Do you feel most people are across the concept?Racism is often presented as an individual choice,individual actions. People say to themselves,“All I have to do is treat my nanny nice,have some black friends and read black art,and I will be fine.” The consumption of black art is wonderful,because there are a lot of great black artists. At the same time,the consumption of black art is not giving power to people who need it most. I compare it to how we’re in the middle of a huge climate crisis. On the individual level,you say,“As long as I recycle,I will be okay.” When really,there are corporations who are responsible for the majority of the damage.

Recently there was an open letter signed by prominent writers,including Margaret Atwood,Salman Rushdie and J.K. Rowling,about what they saw as a rise in a culture of censoriousness – basically “cancel culture”. What is your take on it?I didn’t read the letter. But when you look at the fact people can’t even go to the doctor,who cares if some rich person is “cancelled”?[Laughs] Maybe I’ll feel differently if I get cancelled one day. But I’d just so much rather focus on people not being able to eat or get an education. I feel that’s the biggest cancelling you can have. Had a bad day on Twitter? If that’s the worst thing that happened to you this week,you had a pretty good week.


Right now,the US has the most confirmed coronavirus cases in the world. Are you scared?
The word I would use is “anxious”. The fact that I can stay in my apartment with my family and work from home puts me in the top 1 per cent. My typical feeling around it is “heartbroken”. I don’t think these deaths were necessary. It’s tragic that the virus continues to go on this way. It could have been very different. Other countries have shown it could have been very different.

How would you like to die?[Theatrically gasps,then laughs.]

In an ideal world,what would that be for you?Oh man … in an ideal world,I’m quite old … and I’m killed by the left because I’m too radical.[Laughs,then thinks.] Hmmm,do I want to keep my answer? Yes,I want to be so aggressive that the left kills me.

What happens after we die? I really don’t know. I find comfort in the fact that we are dead for so much longer than we are alive. When I was studying Buddhism,they compared death to taking a candle and blowing it out,which I quite like.


Reid will appear via video link at the Antidote festival at the Sydney Opera House on November 29.

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Benjamin Law is a writer and author of The Family Law and Gaysia.

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