You can keep your fancy watches,Christine Holgate,I'd prefer cash

Former Howard government minister

TheCartier watch saga at Australia Post is another free lesson for those interested in government.

The nub of the problem is a failure to understand that the public sector is very different from the private sector. A government-owned statutory authority is in the public sector. That’s why they go before a Senate estimates committee. People running them and making decisions in them need to understand that the public eye can be sharply focused. Sometimes ridiculously so.

Christine Holgate giving evidence about the purchase of four Cartier watches,worth $19,950 in total,at a Senate estimates hearing.

Christine Holgate giving evidence about the purchase of four Cartier watches,worth $19,950 in total,at a Senate estimates hearing.Alex Ellinghausen

Australia Post is a business and needs to be run like a business,but a publicly owned one. That means taxpayers will,through Senate estimates committees,get to hear how you spend money.

I’ve sat in more estimates committees than I care to remember. This does have all the hallmarks of a set-up. If I were CEO Christine Holgate I’d be looking in-house for a disgruntled score settler.

This is not about whether the people who received the watches deserved proper reward and acknowledgment for a job well done. In any workplace,public or private,a job well done deserves recognition. It’s good management.

What we do sends messages as clearly as what we say. The decision to give Cartier watches as bonuses to executives reeks of having no idea how Australia Post's “shareholders” live and think.

Australia Post boss Christine Holgate has fired back at Scott Morrison over the Cartier watch scandal,accusing him of exposing her to nation-wide humiliation.

Most Australians would not anticipate having such a luxury. They’re too busy paying the mortgage and buying kids'bikes. The concept of such a watch being given as a thank you bauble invites from many nothing but scorn.

In the public domain,whether a public servant or in a statutory authority,the money you spend is not yours,not the government's,but taxpayers'. So you need to ask yourself,would the taxpayer think this is reasonable?

The Gift by Marcel Mauss was published in the early 1920s. A quick dip into his treatise and you may never see gifts innocently again. A gift usually says more about the giver than the recipient. Giving Cartier watches as a bonus says in neon lights,"look at me". It’s conspicuous consumption,and excessive largesse.

One can only hope that the recipients could choose the watch themselves rather than have to accept something not to their taste. What if you preferred a different luxury brand? What if you don’t like to wear a watch,or your partner gave you a very nice one for your anniversary?

That four people would all choose the same brand seems extraordinary,so I’m guessing it was the CEO’s choice. That in itself is a bit of a power statement. Frankly I’d prefer cash. Many would. At least you can buy what you want.

Holgate has apparently done a great job at Australia Post. Some complain the mail is being delivered less often. So what? Fewer letters are being sent. Would you expect daily deliveries to go on forever?

She is by many accounts popular with the franchisees. All this fuss is not about her capacity to run a company:clearly she has that. It’s about her apparent incapacity to understand that largesse with public money is just not acceptable. It does not pass the pub test.

Corporate cards can lead to a lessening of accountability. Many believe it’s better to have people pay themselves and put in an account for a refund. It just adds a level of transparency to the process,but an administrative burden at the same time. A review of card spending in all statutory authorities might be a good thing.

Recent coverage of Holgate's handling of this since her estimates appearance appears to reveal someone focused on proving they are right rather than someone who wants to find a solution everyone can live with. Public life,and heading a government business is that,has its humiliations. Some of them unfair.

Tough luck. That’s public life. If you’re going to go to battle with anyone in government try and choose anyone but the Prime Minister as your enemy. It’s just common sense advice one ought not need to offer a CEO. What will be interesting is how the board responds. They’re not witnesses but participants. My guess is they’ll run for cover.

Amanda Vanstone is a former Coalition minister.

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Amanda Vanstone is a former Howard government minister,and regular columnist.

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