A land tax would reduce NSW inequality

One of the biggest questions facing New South Wales and especially our state government is how to respond to the rise of inequality.

Recent research has shown that Australia has become steadily more unequal in recent decades and Sydney has become Australia’s most unequal city,with the top one per cent of Sydneysiders earning 10.5 per cent of the city’s wealth.

A tax on land would be impossible to avoid and would redistribute wealth to the less well-off.

A tax on land would be impossible to avoid and would redistribute wealth to the less well-off.Kristjan Porm

State governments have the capacity to address this disparity.

Over the course of the 20th century it was state governments that made real change in key areas such as progressive law reform,public education,health,housing and transport. And since Labor first won power in 1910,state Labor governments have had an explicit economic agenda to deliver equity and social justice in the suburbs and regions of NSW.

A progressive economic agenda has to begin with land. In Sydney,the current concentration of wealth is most directly expressed through the housing market,and we are beginning to see a staggering divide between those who are able to buy and invest in property and those who cannot.

This is a generational divide;first home buyers are at a record low and Sydneysiders under thirty are far less likely to own or buy property than their parents or their grandparents did at a similar age.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union represents some of the country’s most skilled tradespeople but our research shows that it will take a decade of savings for an apprentice to afford a deposit on a median Sydney house.

At the same time,our state faces an extraordinary fiscal challenge. While current sources of revenue are in decline we face an ageing population,infrastructure bottlenecks,the withdrawal of significant federal funding and all of the other expenditure pressures on government that are creating a long term structural deficit.

Premier Mike Baird’s Liberal administration has a pretty straightforward approach – privatise state assets,cut critical infrastructure like NSW TAFE and buy cheap,faulty trains from overseas. It is only when these measures inevitably falter does he press the case for a 50 per cent increase in the level of the GST.

It means declining services and infrastructure on one hand,and a regressive GST that impacts unfairly upon low and middle income earners and the elderly on the other. Extending the scope of the GST and lifting its rate is worse than lazy politics – it hurts the very people who government is supposed to support,and there is every risk GST revenues will,in part,fund company and high income tax concessions.

It’s clear the Liberals don’t see inequality as an issue,since their policies will only serve to make the problem worse. NSW Labor should develop a pragmatic and fair approach to revenues that leaves the state with some control over its own fiscal destiny.

A progressive land tax should form part of this approach. A broad,well designed land tax would raise the kind of revenue that we need to fund our schools and our hospitals but it would fight inequality,rather than exacerbate it.

It would encourage a more efficient use of housing stock,and along with reform to capital gains and negative gearing,it would combat the extraordinary inequality and instability we see in our housing market.

Replacing stamp duty with a land tax would make housing more affordable for first time home buyers. It would also give governments a further reason to invest in infrastructure that increases the value of land,such as roads and public transport.

And unlike other taxes,land tax is impossible to avoid:as much as he might like to,Malcolm Turnbull can’t move his Point Piper mansion to the Cayman Islands.

For New South Wales Labor to be a viable political force that can win and hold state government we will need three things:good policy,good politics and a compelling vision for what this state can become. Labor needs to ask big questions and solve complex problems.

The people of New South Wales want quality public services that are funded by a fair tax system. A progressive land tax is an effective way to fund those services.

Tim Ayres is NSW Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.

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