Angus Taylor says carbon offsets will be key to world meeting targets

Federal Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor has warned the world will not hit net zero emissions without carbon offsets,telling a British audience he is focused on trying to find sensible compromises to support global action on climate change.

Ahead of the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November,Mr Taylor told the Australian British Chamber of Commerce that the importance of implementing the Paris Agreement had been lost amid theongoing debate about emissions targets.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor says carbon offsets will be the key to the world meeting emissions reduction targets.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor says carbon offsets will be the key to the world meeting emissions reduction targets.Alex Ellinghausen

He has also called on the world’s largest economies to lift their emissions reporting thresholds,arguing Australia has among the most transparent systems which details the output of every sector on a quarterly basis.

Negotiators are working to agree at this year’s climate talks to a market-based mechanism that could allow countries to use international offsets to help them meet goals set under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

Talks surrounding Article 6 of the agreement broke down at the Madrid summit in 2019 largely because countries failed to agree on whether the millions of old credits created under the Kyoto Protocol should be allowed under the Paris agreement.

Mr Taylor said the pandemic had also put new pressures on economies,public finances and short-term priorities and that Australia would be focused on “practical outcomes” at Glasgow.

“In the pre-COP meetings,Australia’s negotiating team and I have focused on trying to support sensible compromises to achieve progress on the outstanding elements of the Paris rule book,” Mr Taylor said.

“But the fact is the world won’t achieve net zero emissions without offsets,including cross border offsets. That’s one of the outstanding portions of the Paris rule book.”

Supporters of a carbon offset credit market argue it has the potential to play a major role in smoothing the economic transition towards a low emissions economy,while striving to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees as stipulated in the Paris climate deal.

But critics say they allow emitters to continue to mask a lack of global effort to reduce greenhouse gases without taking meaningful action.

Mr Taylor has rejected claims Australia’s position was a roadblock at the Madrid summit by ensuring it could use “carryover credits” from over-achieving on its greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets under Kyoto.

A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in August found to have any chance of limiting the rise in global warming to 1.5C,the target set in the 2016 Paris agreement,the world needs to curb greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 compared with 2010 levels.

On the basis of pledges by the 191 signatories to the Paris accord,emissions are on course to rise by 16 per cent by 2030,which could cause average temperatures to increase by 2.7C by the end of the century.

The Australia government has set a target to reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 but has not set a hard deadline to reach net zero emissions.

Mr Taylor said a key element of implementing the Paris accord would be ensuring transparency and accountability.

“And without accountability,there won’t be a translation of ambition into achievement. One of the central tenets of the Paris Agreement is that all countries determine their own contribution to global efforts to reduce emissions.

“But accountability must go hand in hand with that responsibility.”

He said Australia’s quarterly reporting system had held governments of either stripe accountable for the commitments they have made.

“It played a role in ensuring Australia met and exceeded its Kyoto-era targets by 459 million tonnes,and we are on track to meet and exceed our 2030 Paris target,” he said.

He said Australia would work constructively to support the UK presidency and negotiations at the COP,because he want practical outcomes to deliver “real progress” in the months and years ahead.

He said central to that would be a step-up in global cooperation on clean technology research and development while driving down the costs of new and emerging technologies to parity with existing alternatives.

Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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