Australian economy has reached a'gentle turning point':Reserve Bank governor

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has declared the Australian economy may have reached a"gentle turning point",saying tax cuts,a drop in the currency and lower interest rates are now helping protect the nation.

But in his first appearance before the House of Representatives economics committee since the RBA sliced interest rates in June and July,Dr Lowe said workers hoping for a substantial pay rise any time soon are likely to be disappointed.

The RBA has cut interest rates to a historic low of one per cent.

And he has signalled the RBA may cut interest rates even further to lift the economy.

Dr Lowe said the RBA had downgraded its expectations for economic growth this year,tipping it to expand by 2.5 per cent. Forecasts for 2020 have been left unchanged with GDP forecast to grow by 2.75 per cent.

He said the worst of Australia's slowdown may be over.

"Looking ahead,there are signs the economy may have reached a gentle turning point,"he said.

"Consistent with this,we are expecting the quarterly GDP growth outcomes to strengthen gradually after a run of disappointing numbers.

"This outlook is supported by a number of developments including:lower interest rates,the recent tax cuts,a depreciation of the Australian dollar,a brighter outlook for investment in the resources sector,some stabilisation of the housing market and ongoing high levels of investment in infrastructure.

"It is reasonable to expect that,together,these factors will see growth in the Australian economy return to around its trend rate next year."

Despite the improvement in overall growth,the bank believes unemployment is only likely to remain around 5 per cent until at least 2021. The RBA believes the jobless rate needs to get down to 4.5 per cent to put upward pressure on wages.

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe.

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe.Christopher Pearce

Dr Lowe said there was likely to be"spare capacity"in the jobs market for some time.

"This means that the upward pressure on wages growth over the next couple of years is likely to be only quite modest,and less than we were earlier expecting,"he said.

"Caps on wages growth in public sectors right across the country are another factor contributing to the subdued wage outcomes. At the aggregate level,my view is that a further pick-up in wages growth is both affordable and desirable."

Dr Lowe said further interest rate cuts remained on the table if the jobless rate failed to fall or inflation remained stubbornly below its target band.

"In the central scenario that I have sketched today,inflation will be below the target band for some time to come and the unemployment rate will remain above the level we estimate to be consistent with full employment,"he said.

"While this remains the case,the possibility of lower interest rates will remain on the table.

"The board is prepared to ease monetary policy further if there is additional accumulation of evidence that this is needed to achieve our goals of full employment and inflation consistent with the target. Time will tell."

Dr Lowe reiterated his call for all levels of government to consider investing more in infrastructure,saying the low cost of money meant there were few impediments to more development.

He also called on governments to consider structural reforms which would boost productivity.

"We will all do better if Australia is viewed as a great place to expand,invest,innovate and employ people. A program of structural reform would help move us in this direction,"he said.

"It would also help boost productivity growth,which over recent times has slowed noticeably. If this slowing is maintained,it will become a serious issue and as a society we will have to make some difficult adjustments."

Shane is a senior economics correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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