‘Broken promises’:Scott Morrison heckled in Newcastle pub

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been heckled during a pre-election visit to the Edgeworth Tavern in Newcastle.

In a video circulated on social media on Wednesday night,Mr Morrison is seen cornered by a pensioner,who repeatedly points his finger at the Prime Minister and accuses him of breaking election promises.

Scott Morrison receives roasting from angry disability pensioner during NSW pub visit.

The man suggests that he is a disability pensioner who has been disadvantaged by the Morrison government’s taxation policies.

“I’ve been fighting for 12 years,mate – you treat a disability pensioner that worked all his life … he paid his taxes,now he’s getting taxed again,” the man tells Mr Morrison.

“This is what you said when you got elected last time,‘we’re going to help all those people that worked all their lives,paid their taxes and those that have a go,we’ll look after you’.

“Well,I’ve had a go,mate,I’ve worked all my life and paid my taxes.”

A voice in the background can be heard saying:“We’re with you,mate.”

Towards the end of the confrontation,which lasts several minutes,Mr Morrison is heard offering for a member of his team to sit down with the man to discuss his concerns.

The incident was first reported by theNewcastle Herald.

It’s not the first time Mr Morrison has been heckled on a walkabout.

In January 2020,he was forced to make a quick getaway aftera visit to the fire-ravaged NSW South Coast town of Cobargo was met with derision from locals.

Earlier on Wednesday,Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese was accused of rebuffing a man who attempted to ask a question at a press conference in Western Australia.

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