Chaotic Donald Trump risks presidency with'self indulgence',says Tony Abbott

London:Tony Abbott has taken a swipe at world leaders Angela Merkel and Donald Trump in a wide-ranging essay in which he also states the threat of Islamist extremism is greater than climate change.

Mr Abbott made the comments in a 1000-word piece written for the Western Australian Liberal Party's policy journalThe Contributor.He also hit out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron,saying they were"more noticeable for good looks and saccharine views than for long records of public service."

Tony Abbott detailed his criticisms of several world leaders.

Tony Abbott detailed his criticisms of several world leaders.AAP

"Between countries and within countries,there is a sense that the established order is changing fast,"Mr Abbott wrote."Top dogs are becoming under dogs. Values that were unquestioned for generations are literally ridiculed today."

"Institutions that were revered for generations are openly mocked today. It's not just our jobs that are being disrupted but our certainties too,so many of the Western political class seem to believe,for instance,that climate change is more dangerous than Islamist extremism. It's not a very reassuring world,"Mr Abbott writes in extracts provided to Fairfax Media.

Malcolm Turnbull has been careful not to publicly criticise Donald Trump.

Malcolm Turnbull has been careful not to publicly criticise Donald Trump.AP

He took the unusual step of criticising the US president and said:"In America,Donald Trump has had a chaotic start to his presidency and his good intentions could easily be swamped by ill-discipline and self-indulgence."

His criticisms are striking given Australian prime ministers consider the US the country's closely ally and rarely criticise US presidents,especially when they come from the same ideological side.

When former Prime Minister John Howard,who was close to President George W. Bush at the time,claimed Al Qaeda would be praying for the election of Barack Obama,he was widely condemned for his remarks.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has notably taken great care to avoid publicly criticising Mr Trump,even when leaked transcripts showed the tense telephone call he had with the US president about the refugee-swap deal. During that conversation,Mr Turnbull had to explain repeatedly Australia's policy of turning back asylum seeker boats and denying them permanent residency in Australia.

Mr Trump told Mr Turnbull that it was the worst conversation he had with any world leader that day and that the conversation he had with Russian President Vladmir Putin was much better.

During that call,Mr Trump also claimed Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel told him she regretted her open-door policy towards up to one million refugees in 2015,which has contributed to a surge in support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). However on the weekendMrs Merkel told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag that she has no regrets and would make the same decision again.

Mr Abbott said Mrs Merkel had"exposed her country to what amounts to a peaceful invasion,"with the policy,which she has since revised. Mr Abbott has previously referred to the mass movements of migrants across Europe as a"peaceful invasion."

Mr Abbott has previously described the influx of asylum seekers who travelled to Australia by boat during the time of the Rudd and Gillard government's as a"peaceful armada."

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Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in London.

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