Extraordinary cost,but nuclear-powered subs arriving with astonishing speed

In the end,courage prevailed over timidity. The Albanese government decided to reveal a figure it could easily have tried to keep secret:the estimated cost of the most significant defence project in Australian history,the acquisition of a fleet of eight nuclear-powered submarines.

That figure - between $268 billion and $368 billion over the next 30 years - is larger than anyone expected,an amount gargantuan enough to make your eyes water and your breath catch in your throat.

In doing so,the government has delivered a course of electroshock therapy to the Australian public. The colossal expenditure reveals the confronting truth that Australia is not at war,but neither are we at peace. Almost $400 billion,even over three decades,is not peacetime spending in anybody’s book – a fact government ministers privately concede.

Details of AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines plan unveiled by PM Anthony Albanese and US,British leaders.

Making budget forecasts so far into the future is a fraught exercise given the impossibility of predicting currency conversions and inflation rates decades from now. Yet the government chose the path of radical honesty - an admirable decision that carries significant political danger.

The dizzying headline figures risk overshadowing the details of the plan to procure nuclear-powered submarines,which has been 18 months in the making.

That would be unfortunate because the plan is not just expensive but impressive in many respects and strikingly ambitious. Especially when it comes to speed.

When theMorrison government announced the AUKUS pact 18 months ago,it looked like Australia would not acquire nuclear-powered submarines for two decades. According to conventional wisdom,America’s shipyards were so stretched they had no capacity to provide any submarines to Australia in the short-to-medium term.

That’s not so anymore. The government is pressing its foot to the accelerator by vowing to secure a Virginia-class submarine –the “apex predator” of the sea – from the US by 2033 plus two more by the end of the next decade. This is the game-changing element of the government’s plan,accelerating the nuclear submarine program from the never-never to the near term. If delivered on time (and that’s a big if given the potential for problems) it will be an accomplishment to celebrate.

The government has embraced accountability by outlining a clear timetable:the forward-basing of American subs by 2027,the arrival of Virginia-class vessels by the early 2030s and an Australian-made AUKUS class submarine in the water by the early 2040s. These deadlines will focus everyone involved on delivering what has been promised as soon as possible.

This sense of urgency reflects the fact Australia is navigating a dangerous and unpredictable new grey zone ofsuperpower rivalry between China and the United States. It’s a contest in which we are poised to be a central player despite our geographical isolation and relatively small population.

Accepting such a role will require tough spending decisions the nation as a whole is not yet ready to confront. Already,Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is flagging his willingness to support reduced spending on the National Disability Insurance Scheme to pay for the submarine program. Other unsettling tradeoffs will need to be discussed.

Even in the short term,before the big bills start arriving,difficult calls are required. The government has revealed it will cut $3 billion from existing defence programs to help pay for the submarines,with more cuts to come with the release of the Defence Strategic Review next month. This is likely to anger other branches of the military such as the Army,while the Navy is lavished with money.

AUKUS leaders:what they said

When announcing the details of the submarine program in San Diego,US President Joe Biden said the world stood at “an inflection point in history”. It’s a line he often uses,but on this day it cut through with new resonance.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese used his own language to convey the significance of the undertaking,saying that the “scale,complexity and economic significance of this investment is akin to the creation of the Australian automotive industry in the post-war period”.

The Morrison government deserves praise for conceiving the AUKUS pact;the Albanese government earns credit for developing a credible plan to make it a reality. Now comes the enormous challenge of delivery. For a nation not yet at war but neither at peace,failure is not an option.

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Matthew Knott is national correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald,focusing on race,culture and identity. He was previously North America correspondent for the Herald and The Age.

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