Families feel squeeze as healthcare,education costs outpace inflation

Working families are being squeezed as the cost of essential goods and services including hospital visits,property rates and education climbs at twice the rate of inflation,prompting calls for stronger competition in government-dominated sectors.

An analysis of Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) data since the Coalition took office in 2013 shows the biggest price rises in areas directly controlled by federal,state and local governments despite a string of policies aimed at keeping a lid on the cost of living.

The head of the RBA has told the government it's now up to them to prevent a dangerous economic slowdown.

Since the final quarter of 2013,the overall consumer price index has increased 10.4 per cent,while the cost of government-administered or controlled goods and services jumped 23 per cent.

Compared to the general inflation rate,postal service prices soared 26.8 per cent,the cost of education rose 24.9 per cent,childcare climbed 26.7 per cent and medical and hospital services shot up more than 36 per cent,analysis by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Ageshows. All are dominated by state or federal governments.

Over the same period,wages grew 13.4 per cent,although for workers in the private sector the increase has been just 12.7 per cent.

AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver said cost-of-living pressures were partly driven by the continuing increases in prices across government-controlled parts of the economy.

"The government sector prices really aren't affected by what's affecting the private sector. That's where the competition is,that's where the technological innovation is,and that's keeping down prices for a considerable part of the economy,"he said.

"It's one of the reasons that despite low inflation,many people say that their cost of living is going up. They see health costs and health insurance going up,they see their school fees going up,they see their council rates going up but then they see the price of a car or a new computer coming down."

The Productivity Commission,in a report to then-treasurer Scott Morrison in 2017,warned of spiralling costs and lack of efficiency across the public sector. It found a suite of reforms in the healthcare sector alone would not only be better for patients but would save more than $140 billion over the next 20 years.

Local councils have played a major role in the price rises,with property rates and charges up 21.4 per cent over the past six years,in part due to a pre-2017 surge in house prices across much of the country. House prices are not measured in inflation figures.

Education costs have risen 24.9 per cent since the final quarter of 2013.

Education costs have risen 24.9 per cent since the final quarter of 2013.Gabriele Charotte

The Morrison government has taken credit for a fall in childcare costs following the introduction of a new assistance package,but the benefit may be short-lived.

Childcare costs have fallen 2.7 per cent since June 2017,with the biggest drop recorded a year ago as the new subsidy system started. But since the September 2017 quarter,childcare costs have climbed 4.4 per cent - four times the rate of general inflation.

Despite a continuing political push in Canberra to drive down power costs,electricity prices are 12 per cent higher than when the Coalition came to office under Tony Abbott,while gas prices have risen 16.2 per cent.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said childcare and electricity prices were now lower than a year ago while health insurance premiums were growing at their slowest rate since before 2006.

"Under Labor,power bills doubled,childcare fees increased 50 per cent and health insurance premiums rose 38.7 per cent,"he said.

"Government is supporting households by lowering taxes with over $11.3 billion of refunds already issued to 4.4 million individuals since June."

The cost of the one utility least affected by the federal government - water and sewerage - has increased just 5.3 per cent. But in a recent audit,Infrastructure Australia warned that prices for urban water were likely to increase because of growing demand and pressure on a system of pipes in major cities that is up to 75 years old.

Some areas dominated by the government have seen price rises lower than overall inflation. Pharmaceutical costs have increased by just 5.7 per cent over the past six years,while therapeutic appliances have fallen in price.

We've got a policy vacuum that goes to ways to deal with prices in these areas.

AMP's Shane Oliver

The Reserve Bank of Australia has this year noted inflation in government-dominated areas has slowed"considerably"over the past year,noting lower than average property rate and health insurance increases. But even rises in these sectors have been nearly double those outside government-dominated areas of the economy.

Dr Oliver said government efforts to keep a lid on prices,particularly through types of subsidies,were likely to fail and the best way to put downward pressure on prices was through competition.

"I think it comes back to competition policy. But we've got a policy vacuum that goes to ways to deal with prices in these areas,"he said.

Westpac senior economist Justin Smirk said there was a real risk that wages,which the bank believes will grow by just 2.5 per cent in the coming year,might start slowing even further the following year.

"Given how well contained wage inflation is across the nation,between states and even sectors,even this modest increase looks optimistic and we would argue that risks to this forecast remain more to the downside than upside,"he said.

Shane is a senior economics correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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