Federal Water Minister critical of NSW,Victoria over push to delay Basin plan

Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt says the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is progressing well despite recent ructions among state governments including his NSW counterpart threatening to skip future meetings.

At Friday’s ministerial council meeting of Murray-Darling Basin states,NSW Water Minister Melinda Paveyput forward a motion to delay the deadline to return water to the river system beyond 2024.

This was supported by Victorian Water Minister Lisa Neville but blocked by South Australia,the ACT and Queensland.

Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt.

Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt.Alex Ellinghausen.

Ms Pavey also said NSW would not attend future meetings because “there is no point in having ministerial council meetings with other states that don't want to listen or respect our advice".

On Sunday Mr Pitt criticised NSW and Victoria’s motion.

“Victoria and NSW put forward a motion with no notice. It’s no surprise to me other members of the council weren’t willing to accept that,given that they hadn’t seen it prior and had no time to consider what was on the table,” Mr Pitt said.

The Basin Plan was created in 2012 and requires states to recover a total of 3200 gigalitres of water from irrigation by 2024 to boost the health of the river.

Around 450 gigalitres is yet to be recovered,mostly from NSW and Victoria. Ms Pavey and Ms Neville have argued they cannot implement water-saving projects and complete irrigation buy-backs by the Basin plan’s deadline. The Productivity Commissionhas also recommended the 2024 deadline be delayed.

Mr Pitt said that aside from NSW and Victoria’s controversial motion,Friday’s ministerial council was an otherwise “congenial meeting” which delivered results.

“I’ve got to say that is a very positive sign for ministerial meetings going forward,” he said,pointing to an agreement between NSW,Victoria and South Australia to review new agricultural developments in the lower Murray region on a case-by-case basis.

In recent years nut crops,particularly almonds,have boomed in the lower Murray region,which includes Victoria's Sunraysia,NSW's Murray and South Australia's Riverland districts.

Independent water analystAither has warned that water demand from almonds,a relatively new and high-value crop,could price out of the market traditional irrigation industries including rice,dairy and even cotton.

“I’m pleased NSW and South Australia are sending a signal that further extraction in the lower Murray does pose risks for deliverability for irrigators and the environment,” Ms Neville said.

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Mike Foley is the climate and energy correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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