Fraser Anning to bill taxpayers more than $2800 for flights to St Kilda rally

Senator Fraser Anning,who plans to bill taxpayers more than $2800 for his flights and a Comcar to a far-right rally in Melbourne,should consider his position in Parliament,Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack says.

Senator Anning is charging taxpayers $2852.80 for his return flights ($1426.40 each way) to attend the St Kilda Beach rally,which was organised by convicted far-right activists Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson and attended by about 100 of their supporters.

Queensland senator Fraser Anning has come under heavy criticism by his parliamentary colleagues for supporting of a far-right rally in St Kilda.

The Queensland senator,who flew from Brisbane to Melbourne and returned the same day,also caught a Comcar from Melbourne Airport to St Kilda Beach. Senators are entitled to fly business class for official engagements.

Senator Anning’s spokesman confirmed that he would bill the flights to taxpayers as part of his MP’s travel allowance.

He was doing this on the basis that criminal gangs of African background - which was the stated issue being addressed by the rally - were an issue in Queensland as well as Victoria.

Despite Mr Cottrell’s involvement and the publication of images showing activists making Nazi salutes and in one case holding a helmet with Nazi insignia,Mr Anning denied it was a far-right event.

He also insisted that by attending he was not endorsing other speakers or participants and insisted the Nazi salutes were being performed only by “far left extremists”,despite pictures clearly showing otherwise.

Far-right activists in St Kilda on Saturday.

Far-right activists in St Kilda on Saturday.Darrian Traynor

Mr McCormack condemned the rally and suggested voters would boot the senator out of Parliament in light of his support of the event,where Hitler salutes were made.

“Nazi salutes are abhorrent and repugnant and have no place in Australian society,” he said.

“This type of extremism and the politics of hate should not be tolerated in modern society and such radicalism should be called out for what it is.

“Senator Anning’s position and future in Parliament is something for his conscience to decide and no doubt the voters will also have a say on that matter in time.”

Acting Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek said Senator Anning’s presence at the rally was “disgusting”,adding that taxpayers should be appalled at his decision to use his travel allowance to fund the trip.

“I really think he should reconsider that,” she said.

“It’s a very poor use of taxpayers’ money. I think the vast majority of Australians would be disgusted to think that their taxes are paying for an Australian Senator to attend an event that seeks to divide not to unite the country.”

Police stood between far-right and anti-racism protesters at the St Kilda rally.

Police stood between far-right and anti-racism protesters at the St Kilda rally.Darrian Traynor

Senator Anning accused “left-wing media” of misrepresenting the rally.

“My presence at the event should in no way be considered an endorsement by me of the views of other speakers or attendees,” he said.

“However,the truth is that attempts to claim that this rally was a ‘far right’ event appear to be left-wing media attempts to distract attention from the purpose of the protest - African gang violence.

“I didn’t see any people there who appeared to be radicals. There were no skinheads,just ordinary,hard-working people who’d had enough.”

He said he spoke to “a diverse range of people” including Vietnamese shopkeepers who had been affected by gangs.

“The only people who were doing Nazi salutes were the far-left extremists one hundred metres away who came to try to disrupt a peaceful rally,” Senator Anning said.

Fraser Anning and United Patriots Front leader Blair Cottrell at the event.

Fraser Anning and United Patriots Front leader Blair Cottrell at the event.AFR

Reporters fromThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald saw people among the right-wing protesters giving the salute.The Age and theHerald,as well as other media outlets,published pictures showing this.

Mr McCormack did not directly address a question fromThe Age and the Herald asking whether the government could in future work with Senator Anning,including negotiating on the passage of legislation through the Senate.

Senator Anning said at the rally:“I think this is the start of something bigger. The revolution will eventually start. People have had enough of these people and they have got to be sent back to where they came from.”

Prime MinisterScott Morrison tweeted condemning the rally on Sunday morning but did not condemn Senator Anning by name. He is currently on leave.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten - who is also on leave - tweeted a general condemnation of right-wing extremism.

David Wroe is a former defence and national security correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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