‘Government has not given up anything’:ACCC chair backs media code changes

Competition boss Rod Sims says the federal government has emerged as the victor in its battle with Facebook and Google over the news media bargaining code after weeks of high stakes negotiations about their future in Australia.

Mr Sims rejected suggestions the Morrison government had bowed to Facebook’s demands by amending the code as part of peace deal that brought the social media giant back to the negotiating table with Australian news companies. “In my strong view,the government has not given up anything that really matters to the integrity of the code,” Mr Sims said.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chair Rod Sims said the government’s amendments to the media code had not undermined its integrity.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chair Rod Sims said the government’s amendments to the media code had not undermined its integrity.Jessica Hromas

“Success here was always about,firstly,having the code passed so that it’s always there and can be used as needed. And secondly,the fact that you’ve got commercial deals being done.

“I never wanted anyone to go to arbitration,I wanted the threat of arbitration,to give bargaining muscle to the news media businesses so that they could come to a commercial deal.”

The amended code passed the Senate on Wednesday evening and will return to the House of Representatives for approval on Thursday to become law.

As chair of Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,Mr Sims spearheaded the drafting of the early versions of the code following an 18-month inquiry into the market dominance of Google and Facebook and the impact on the news industry.

In a breakthrough on Tuesday,Facebook agreed toreverse its blanket ban of news on its Australian platform,and began re-engaging with news businesses about commercial deals,after the government committed to making four amendments to the code. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg secured the eleventh hour deal over six phone calls with Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg across Monday and Tuesday,as the Senate prepared to vote to legislate the code.

Within hours of the agreement,Seven West Media became the first of the major media companies to announce a forthcoming deal with Facebook. Nine Entertainment Co,publisher of this masthead,and the Guardian Australia had also resumed talks with Facebook by Tuesday evening.

Outgoing Nine chief executive Hugh Marks,said Facebook’s ability to extract concessions from the government was “concerning”,although he did not regard the changes as materially altering the code. Nine is the owner of this masthead.

“The thing that we should all reflect on is that we are prepared to live in a world where a corporation can have a tantrum and that will change legislation as a result. I think that’s concerning,” Mr Marks said.

He said he was confident Nine would strike binding commercial deals with both Google and Facebook that covered payment for news,but said there was “still a bit of work to do”. Industry sources toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age last week thatNine had signed a letter of intent for a deal worth more than $30 million with Google,but the contract has not been finalised. The sources now say this figure could be closer to $45 million.

The code,which Facebook and Google fiercely protested as “unworkable”,sets out a framework for news businesses to force the tech giants to enter a binding arbitration process to seek payment for the use of their news content.

Mr Frydenberg and Communications Minister Paul Fletcher have described the changes,which include inserting an extra two-month period of mediation into the bargaining process,as “technical amendments” and “clarifications”.

But the most significant amendmentspave the way for the tech giants to avoid the code altogether if they can satisfy the government they have struck enough commercial deals with publishers without needing to resort to forced arbitration.

Swinburne University of Technology’s Belinda Barnet,an expert in digital media,said the amendments proved that Facebook’s news ban had been a successful bargaining tactic,but ultimately the aim of the code was still being realised.

“It’s like the Treasurer has got a big stick in his hand and is saying if you don’t behave as though the code applies to you,then I will make it apply to you,” Dr Barnet said.

“In the end,if[the amendments] get media companies to the table with these platforms and negotiation payments,then that was always the aim.”

Peter Lewis,director of the Centre for Responsible Technology at the Australia Institute,a progressive think tank which supported the code,said a “helicopter view” showed the threat of the code was delivering.

“Deals are being done and money is being transferred from the advertising monopolies to media companies,” Mr Lewis said.

Australia’s efforts to regulate Google and Facebook are being closely watched in other jurisdictions,including Canada where the Trudeau government is also drafting laws to force the tech giants to compensate news publishers.

Microsoft alsoannounced this week that it joined forces with four big European Union news industry groups to push for a similar model of revenue sharing that would “take inspiration” from the Australian code.

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Lisa Visentin is the North Asia Correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Zoe Samios covers wagering and the business of sport from the AFR's Sydney newsroom. She was previously the media and telecommunications reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,and covered media at The Australian.

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