Greens call for gender surgery to go on Medicare

Medicare would be expanded to include gender affirming surgery in a call from Greens leader Adam Bandt for practical changes to help transgender Australians amid an election row over a Liberal candidate who called trans children “surgically mutilated”.

The Greens stance would add a series of operations to Medicare to act on a petition backed by almost 150,000 people who say the costs can reach $30,000 or more for trans people seeking help from medical specialists.

Greens leader Adam Bandt says gender affirming surgery should be available through Medicare.

Greens leader Adam Bandt says gender affirming surgery should be available through Medicare.Paul Jeffers

With trans issues now part of the election campaign,Prime Minister Scott Morrison was challenged on Wednesday about comments from the Liberal candidate for Warringah,Katherine Deves,that have enraged equality advocates.

Morrison has backed Deves in her call for changes to federal law to ensure sporting bodies can block trans women from female sports,but he added a key caveat on Wednesday by saying this was his personal view and not a government decision to change the law.

The Prime Minister also distanced himself from the personal views Deves has aired online in the past including a post,since deleted,in which she said people would not stand for seeing “vulnerable children surgically mutilated and sterilised” and posted this with a photograph of a teenager who had undergone surgery.

The wider issue of trans rights is causing division within government ranks while infuriating equality campaigners who believe the issue should not be up for debate when the argument can harm Australians who are grappling with their gender identity.

Morrison,who did not support same-sex marriage five years ago,has previously backed a private members’ bill proposed by Tasmanian Liberal Senator Claire Chandler to give sporting organisations the scope to ban a trans woman fromcompeting in women’s events.

“The government does not have any plans for that to be a government bill – it is private members’ bill,and I have told you very clearly what my views on that bill,I have been upfront,” Morrison said on Wednesday in a brief answer before moving to another question.

One of the leading Liberal moderates in federal cabinet,Finance Minister Simon Birmingham,avoided any signal of support for the Chandler bill when asked on ABC Radio on Tuesday morning whether he backed the case for change.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has dismissed the case for the Chandler bill by saying the issue was already covered by the Sex Discrimination Act.

Major national sporting codes including Rugby Australia,the AFL,Cricket Australia,Tennis Australia,Football Australia,and Athletics Australia have not been consulted on the bill,nor have lobbied for it.

Bandt named the changes to Medicare as one change needed by the federal government but rejected the Chandler bill on women’s sport and accused Morrison of inflaming division.

“There is a need in this country to include gender-affirming surgery in Medicare – that is one thing that would make a big difference,” Bandt said after a speech to the National Press Club on Wednesday.

“But at this moment,can I say this:having lived through the marriage equality debate,where people reported back to me that what they felt like and what they heard was their very right to exist being debated in parliament,we cannot afford another one of those.

“People’s right to exist should not be the fodder the political election campaigns. Trans people deserve our support.”

The Greens have also found themselves in an internal party debateover trans issues when Melbourne Greens councillor Rohan Leppert was labelled “trans-exclusionary” by party colleagues in an open letter after he expressed concern in a private Facebook group about the rules applied to doctors who are asked to treat young people with gender dysphoria who are considering gender reassignment.

Almost 150,000 peoplesigned a petition to federal Parliament last year asking for gender-affirming and gender reassignment services to be eligible for Medicare benefits because transgender people have to pay up to $30,000 to ensure their outward appearance matches how they feel inside.

The government responded in December by saying this was a matter for the Medical Services Advisory Committee.

The Ramones,Taylor Swift and one of the most memorable gaffes in election campaigning history. Edited by Tom Compagnoni.

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David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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