How do you mop up a $60 billion mistake?

Scott Morrison sounds ready to put a $60 billion costings blunder to good use.

The Prime Minister has responded to the huge shortfall in the JobKeeper scheme to talk about adjusting his policies to help those in greatest need.

Scott Morrison says responsibility for the $60 billion JobKeeper miscalculation rests with him.

Scott Morrison says responsibility for the $60 billion JobKeeper miscalculation rests with him.Alex Ellinghausen

But the embarrassing bungle in the official forecasts means Morrison and the Treasurer,Josh Frydenberg,cannot be sure who will need the most help.

Confronted by an emergency,they roared down a spending highway with too much confidence in Treasury forecasts about the road ahead.

They have just hit a blanket of fog.

On the one hand,they are not doing as much as they thought they were to support the economy. They claimed their stimulus was worth 16.4 per cent of economic output. The shortfall means it is 13.3 per cent instead.

On the other hand,they have not been asked for as much help as they anticipated. Liberals claim this means the economy is doing better than expected and the shortfall should be saved.

What separates those two propositions is an impenetrable mist. The shortfall has highlighted just how little is known about the plunge in jobs. How many workers need JobKeeper but cannot qualify? How many are working for companies that are not eligible but desperately need help?

Labor is right to demand answers about this error. We do not know when the problems were first noticed at the Australian Tax Office and why Treasury insisted as late as Thursday that JobKeeper payments were going to more than 6 million workers rather than only 3.5 million.

Ministers are against extending JobKeeper to more casual workers,the universities or state-owned enterprises.

One option is to phase out the JobKeeper payments of $1500 per fortnight over a longer period rather than bring the entire scheme to a sudden halt at the end of September.

Another is to keep the JobSeeker unemployment benefit at or close to its temporary rate of $1100 per fortnight,rather than halving it in September to the old Newstart rate.

Morrison emphasised the role of JobSeeker in his remarks on Sunday and accepted that some workers would still need support after JobKeeper is due to end and when businesses start to open their doors again.

“As more and more businesses can do that,then that means we will be able to target more and more of our assistance to those areas in greatest need,and that has always been the government’s plan,” he said.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg discusses the government's JobKeeper estimation error.

A growing chorus wants at least some of the $60 billion put to use. This includes Liberal premiers Steven Marshall of South Australia and Peter Gutwein of Tasmania,as well as Liberal Treasurer Dominic Perrottet of NSW.

It seems almost impossible for Morrison and Frydenberg to spurn those calls.

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David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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