Inside the Australian Christian Lobby’s identity crisis

A week after its managing director was sacked by his board,the group is facing fights on all sides. And there’s an internal battle to fix it.

Martyn Iles has left the Australian Christian Lobby after a difference of opinion over direction.

Martyn Iles has left the Australian Christian Lobby after a difference of opinion over direction.Facebook/Supplied

The Facebook post went up at 4.56pm on Friday afternoon. After five years as the firebrand managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby,Martyn Iles had some news. He had been sacked.

“After five incredible years … my employment has been terminated by the board,” Iles,the 34-year-old cultural commentator,Israel Folau supporter and occasionalQ+A guest told his 219,000 followers,before also emailing every ACL supporter on the group’s mailing list with the subject “I’m moving on…”.

“There is no question of misconduct,” he wrote. “The board has reviewed ACL’s strategic direction and decided I am not the right person to lead the revised strategy.”

The board was “extremely hurt and disappointed” by what happened,said its chair,Jim Wallace,in an email to theHerald. “But the Board is very satisfied it has acted appropriately.”

The ACL grew rapidly under Iles – its membership tripled,Iles said – but its size wasn’t the board’s problem. It was struggling for political impact. In a few short years,it recorded losses on virtually every single key issue:same-sex marriage was legalised in 2017,just months before Iles took the post;almost every state in the country has loosened laws on abortion and voluntary assisted dying;and major steps against gay conversion therapy have been made in Victoria,WA and NSW. And faced with the potential for a multi-term Labor government that saw the group as – at best – irrelevant,the Australian Christian Lobby needed a major strategic reset.

The decision about strategy was made by the board. The decision about timing was not.

Multiple sources told theHerald the lobby group’s board (the makeup of which,apart from the responsible people listed on the charities register,is secret) asked Iles to stay in the position for six months as they orchestrated a transition plan. But Iles’ Facebook post made it clear he wasn’t sticking around.

It took the weekend,and half of Monday,for ACL’s leaders to react to the news. The first communication came in the form of a three-minute selfie video from its national politics director,Wendy Francis,that confirmed Iles was “moving on” and said the lobby group’s mission had not changed.

A lengthier statement came that evening from the group’s chairman,Jim Wallace – a former SAS commander of the Australian Army,and the founding managing director of the lobby group.

“I write reluctantly following Martyn’s email,” Wallace wrote. “I apologise for the delay in this official response,but we on the board did not want to act reflexively to what has been a huge disappointment.”

Jim Wallace speaks at a rally in support of marriage at Parliament House in 2011.

Jim Wallace speaks at a rally in support of marriage at Parliament House in 2011.Graham Tidy

The objectives of the ACL had not changed,Wallace said. But it was clear that the strategy had. “We believe that engagement must be on two levels,the relational and campaigning. In our view,political engagement and relationship-building in the parliaments should be reflective of the same humble relational style modelled by Jesus Christ.”

In that single sentence,Wallace summarised his issue with Iles’ leadership. The ACL had become almost entirely grassroots focussed:Iles would host rallies in the furthest ends of the country – from Tasmania to Cairns – to sold-out crowds,eager to hear him talk on faith and politics.

He would also share countless videos and posts on his personal Facebook page discussing issues of the day. Nothing was off limits:Donald Trump (“Thanks President Trump,from an Aussie who still likes you and is happy to admit it”),the Voice to parliament (“the wrong answer to a genuine problem”),and Harry and Meghan’s split from the family (“two wrongs don’t make a right”) all featured heavily.

But chief among his complaints was Scott Morrison.

“After several years of restraint,”Iles wrote in January last year,“I am struggling to contain my disaffection with the Morrison government any longer.” He gave 12 reasons,and invited his followers to add more. There were over 1000 comments.

The activism stirred a base – many of whom had first come to the ACL for its work during the same-sex marriage plebiscite and the Israel Folau saga – but alienated the people required to win legislative change:government ministers.

Australian Christian Lobby managing director Martyn Iles’s activism stirred a base.

Australian Christian Lobby managing director Martyn Iles’s activism stirred a base.Supplied

The ACL ended uptargeting Liberal MPs who crossed the floor to change the religious discrimination bill last year.

The result was a significantly reduced number of high-level government meetings. What was the point of meeting with a representative group who,come election time,would not support your party either way?

And a Labor government,relying on even fewer Christian votes than the Coalition (in the 2016 election 41 per cent of church attenders voted for the Coalition and 24 per cent voted for Labor),made the access problem even harder.

Fading influence

It wasn’t always this way. The Australian Christian Lobby once had the ears of leaders from both sides of politics. Ahead of the 2007 election both Kevin Rudd and John Howard spoke at an ACL-organised event that was said to have reached up to 100,000 Christians watching in 700 locations (mostly churches) across the country.

Then-managing director Jim Wallace said the event was “an acknowledgment that there was a Christian constituency after the last election”.

“The fact that we had both leaders there is definitely indicative of the importance of it,” he said at the time.

Kevin Rudd and John Howard both spoke at an ACL event before the 2007 election.

Kevin Rudd and John Howard both spoke at an ACL event before the 2007 election.Andrew Taylor

But things changed in 2012. Wallace,who is known to be personable but not media-savvy,compared the dangers of smoking with that of same-sex marriage in a debate with then-Greens leader Christine Milne at the University of Tasmania.

Julia Gillard,then-prime minister,was due to make a keynote presentation at the group’s annual conference. She hastily pulled out,labelling the comments “heartless and wrong”. From that point,politicians didn’t stop engaging entirely with the group,but they did so on a more cautious footing.

Lyle Shelton,a regional journalist-turned-conservative lobbyist took the reins the following year,shaping the ACL’s campaign heavily around same-sex marriage. The group went on to play a major role in the No campaign ahead of the 2017 marriage plebiscite,and it was in this year that the lobby garnered its highest-ever number of mentions in the Australian media.

The campaign – which saw Sydney’s Anglican churchdonate $1 million to the cause – ushered in a flood of new members,providing financial and volunteer support.

So when Shelton left to attempt to enter federal politics under Cory Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives party,incoming managing director Martyn Iles – who joined the group as a 24-year-old chief of staff – had a problem:what to do with all the new members?

“By the time its prominence peaked,[the Australian Christian Lobby] was associated with one sideof one side of politics:conservatives in the coalition,and parties to the right,” says Associate Professor David Smith,who researches religion and politics at the University of Sydney.

This more conservative base of followers meant the ACL had to narrowcast its message. Iles spoke more about faith than politics,and led hundreds of volunteers in distributing a million small books containing the Gospel of John to households across Australia.

It led to allies and critics of the organisation to argue the group had lost its way.

“They’ve lost focus,” says Greg Bondar,who was formerly state director at Family Voice Australia before creating Christian Voice Australia late last year to campaign on issues relating to “faith,family and liberty”.

“From the feedback I’ve received,ACL has lost traction on the political forefront,” says Bondar,who knows Iles and is praying for him. “They need to make sure that they realise they’re an advocacy organisation and not a church.”

“You don’t want to say,‘unless you repent you’ll go to hell’. That’s true,but you’ve got to advocate on the issues.”

But to Iles,it was almost impossible to advocate for issues without a biblical,gospel-driven base.

Iles belongs to an independent evangelical church. But without a declared theology within ACL,it has attracted some people from the very edges of the Christian religion,accelerating its drift from the centre.

“It’s now got very strong neo-Pentecostal and Baptist influences,” says Smith. “It’s not all of the[members or leaders],but it’s far from the sort of mainstream Anglican,Catholic and Uniting churches.”

So came the board meeting,and the Facebook post.

“[The board’s strategy] focuses more primarily on political tactics,less on the gospel,” wrote Iles,who declined to comment for this piece. “Having heard this articulated,I absolutely agree ... I am not the right person for that vision.

“I have always been a preacher first,a politician second.”

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Anthony Segaert is a reporter covering urban affairs at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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