'It's terrible':High childcare fees are keeping mothers out of work

Labor's new childcare subsidy plan is exactly the kind of signature policy encouraging aspiration and reward for effort that the party needs to be competitive at the next election,a former minister believes.

Craig Emerson,a Rudd-Gillard-era minister who co-wrote the review of Labor's shock 2019 election loss,says the government's dismissal of the new policy on the basis of cost is nonsense.

High school teacher Polly Dunning wants to pick up more days of work but says high out-of-pocket costs for childcare mean she would lose money by working full time.

High school teacher Polly Dunning wants to pick up more days of work but says high out-of-pocket costs for childcare mean she would lose money by working full time.Sam Mooy

Parents with children in care now have highlighted how the existing system makes it unaffordable for both to work full time.

Under opposition leader Anthony Albanese's $6.2 billion plan,parents who earn the least would have 90 per cent of their childcare fees covered — up from 85 per cent now. Labor would also scrap the annual $10,560 subsidy cap that applies to households earning more than $190,000 and offer help with fees to families earning up to $530,000.

At the moment,the government spends about $9 billion a year on childcare subsidies. Female workforce participation increased by 1.2 points to a record-high 61.5 per cent in the 18 months between the new system being introduced and January.

"That subsidy means out-of-pocket costs are less than $5 an hour per child for 72 per cent of parents,"Education Minister Dan Tehan said. With average attendance three days a week,parents pay about $150 after the subsidy.

Mr Tehan criticised Labor's policy as"baking in additional,permanent expenditure"and said it would result in"a family in Townsville … subsiding the childcare fees of a millionaire living in Sydney".

Dr Emerson said the cost was a drop in the ocean when the government's own budget forecast gross debt at more than $1.7 trillion.

"Somewhere between $1.7 trillion and $6 billion more is some imaginary line where the government seems to say you step across that line and we go from a manageable debt to a debt and deficit disaster,"he toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age.

"Wouldn't you want to support investment designed to lift participation and productivity instead of saying it's too expensive?"

Mr Albanese said on Sunday the"massive disincentive"to mothers with young children adding more working days was hurting families and Australia's economy.

The government's statement on women's economic security,released with the budget,says there are 800,000 women who want to work more hours than they are now. As well,there were more than 351,000 women aged between 22 and 44 on JobSeeker in August.

High school teacher Polly Dunning has two children in care,enabling her to work one day a week and study full-time another day. She wants to add a second day of teaching to her schedule next year and says there's no way her family can afford for her to work full time.

"Right now,on two days a week,I pay $2100 a month out of pocket for two children two days a week,which is the second biggest expense in my budget after my mortgage,"she said.

"My take-home pay,once I put two kids in childcare,I get $45 or thereabouts for a day's work. It's terrible.

"I would earn nothing at all. I would in fact pay an extra $5000 out of my husband's salary to go to work five days a week."

She used a calculator developed by advocacy group The Parenthood to estimate that under Labor's policy,her family would save about $30 a week. Ms Dunning says that's moving in the right direction,although it's Labor's pledge to eventually move to a 90 per cent fee subsidy for everyone that she thinks will be the big game-changer.

The Parenthood executive director Georgie Dent says changes to childcare subsidies in recent years have mostly been tweaks in terms of benefits to families,but Labor's policy would dismantle structural barriers.

"The coronavirus has created such an unprecedented period of economic uncertainty and has put so much pressure on household budgets,"she said."Pursuing a bold policy that would make a meaningful difference to the bottom line of families'budgets is one of the most effective ways we can kickstart our recovery from this recession."


This article has been updated to add information about the existing childcare subsidies and a response from Education Minister Dan Tehan.

Katina Curtis is a political reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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