Michael Sukkar faces backlash over role in Liberal leadership crisis

When Michael Sukkar took to social media to blame Malcolm Turnbull for the chaos that engulfed the Coalition government last week,the reaction was swift and savage.

"The events of the week in politics have been difficult for all Australians,"the member for the marginal Melbourne seat of Deakin wrote on Facebook.

"When Malcolm Turnbull decided to spill his leadership on Tuesday,significant concerns with the policy direction of the government crystallised.

Michael Sukkar in Parliament last week.

Michael Sukkar in Parliament last week.Alex Ellinghausen

"Sadly,Malcolm Turnbull was unable to unite the Liberal Party room. As a result,we now have a new Prime Minister,Scott Morrison and deputy leader,Josh Frydenberg.

"In my former role as the Assistant Minister to the Treasurer,I worked very closely with Scott Morrison and know he will serve our country with distinction.

"As always,I will continue to stand up for our community and work to improve the lives of everyday Australians."

What Mr Sukkar left out was his own pivotal role in the removal of Mr Turnbull as a conservative plotter and one of Peter Dutton's chief numbers men. He also didn't disclose that he conducted the campaign while holding a position as a junior minister.

But voters in his marginal electorate saw through Mr Sukkar's post. Their fury at his role in bringing down Australia's fifth prime minister in as many years was swift.

"Michael,you write'Malcolm Turnbull decided to spill his leadership'? He was forced to do this because of the very unsuccessful challenge by Peter Dutton,(led by Tony Abbott) therefore he had no choice,"vented Robyn Taylor,who described herself as a Deakin resident.

"At no point was there any consideration for'Everyday Australians'as you have indicated that you stand up for. We have lost 2 very experienced ministers over this spill,namely Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop. I am extremely angry about this whole fiasco and equally disappointed in you Michael! I will be thinking seriously come the next election about who l vote for."

Long-time Liberal voter Patricia Greig told Fairfax Media that while Mr Sukkar didn't represent her views during the spill he was a good local member.

"So I’ll need to be convinced that any other candidate will be better even though I’m really disappointed by his stance,"she said.

Others said they had already made up their mind.

After a nasty leadership spill,Scott Morrison has emerged as Liberal Party leader and the 30th Australian Prime Minister.

"Seriously? Your public actions this week supporting Dutton make this statement of yours just puerile and wasted spin. When you opposed[same-sex marriage] you lost me (did you note your electorate voted overwhelmingly in favour?). But your actions and this statement have lost me for good."

While the comments are not a scientific sample of sentiment of local reaction,the angry responses appear to be reflected in an exclusive Fairfax poll conducted after the leadership change that revealed a strong swing against Mr Sukkar in his electorate of Deakin,with the Liberals trailing Labor by 47 to 53 per cent on a two-party basis.

The Liberal Party’s primary vote in Deakin has fallen from 50 per cent at the last election to 42 per cent in the new poll,conducted by ReachTel for Fairfax Media.

The poll found that 64 per cent of respondents did not believe the Liberal Party did the right thing in removing Mr Turnbull.

Mr Sukkar played down the poll result showing he could lose his seat and declared he would “listen to the community” even though a clear majority of his constituents said they did not want last week’s leadership change.

Asked on Sky News if he was out of line with his own community,Mr Sukkar said single-seat polls were not reliable.

“I think this poll had a sample size of 300,which is not something that you would ordinarily put any weight on,” he said.

The poll had a sample size of 1047.

“The reality is we’ve got to listen to the community. The community does not like seeing these sorts of games in Canberra,” he said.

“They didn’t like it in 2015 when Malcolm Turnbull took over the leadership from Tony Abbott,they don’t like it now,because I think instinctively they believe that while you’re engaging in those sorts of activities you’re not focused on the main game.

“I think there’s an argument there that they’re correct. None of that surprises me. We’ve got to re-dedicate ourselves to the community.

“You can’t take any seat for granted. I certainly don’t take mine for granted.”

On social media,the feedback has continued to pour in. Peter Easdown wrote:"Duplicitous. So unimpressed with your behaviour. It’s a shame we don’t have a decent Liberal here to vote for any more."

"Well I will not be voting for you. I have lost total respect for you and your party,"said Leslie Allan.

A user called Benny Matthews said he was a long-time Deakin resident and described his MP's behaviour as"traitorous".

"You do not represent this everyday Australian,"Mr Matthews said.

But not all the feedback was negative.

"Most people who vote in Deakin will support Michael in his endeavours. They know he wants a better deal for them on electricity price,on less congestion from immigration and on east/West link and on funding for Catholic schools . The vote for Michael will improve next election,"predicted user Harry Huggins.

Latika Bourke is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in London.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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