More than 736,000 under-40s vaccinated five months into rollout

More than 736,000 Australians under the age of 40 have had at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine and the country’s oldest residents are the most fully protected 128 days into the rollout.

Data published by the Commonwealth on Thursday for the first time provides a breakdown of vaccination rates by five-year age groups and gender,as well as first and second doses. A data breakdown by states is expected to be published on Friday.

The Commonwealth has released a more detailed breakdown on vaccination data.

The Commonwealth has released a more detailed breakdown on vaccination data.Meredith O’Shea

Across the country,6,109,102 people over the age of 16 (or almost 30 per cent of that population) have had one dose and of these 1,633,434 people (7.92 per cent) were fully vaccinated as of June 30.

Earlier on Thursday,COVID-19 taskforce commander Lieutenant-General John Frewen said he was looking forward to getting more Australians vaccinated as heworked to speed up the rollout.

Australia recorded its highest daily number of vaccinations on Wednesday,with 161,390 doses administered.

“Vaccination is one of the most important ways that Australia will be able to not only keep our citizens safe but help get people’s livelihoods back on a more even footing and then help us enjoy those freedoms that we all want to go back to,” he told Nine’sToday show.

“We are getting as many of the vaccines as we can as quickly as we can,we are producing AstraZeneca here domestically and we are getting Pfizer from overseas.”

The most highly vaccinated aged groups so far are the 90 to 94-year-olds and 75 to 79-year olds,with 71.2 per cent of both those age groups having received one dose. More than 20,000 of the roughly 53,000 people in the over-95s group are fully immunised,making them the most fully protected among the country’s population.

Among under-40s,736,294 have received their first dose. Of these,444,221 have also received their second dose. The number of under-40s being vaccinated is expected to grow after Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced ano-fault indemnity scheme for doctors on Monday.

Critical frontline workers including health care and quarantine staff have been eligible for vaccines since the beginning of the rollout regardless of age. People with disabilities living in residential facilities are also in a high-priority group.

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Rachel Clun is an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

Craig Butt is the National Data Editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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