Morrison can prove he wants change by setting quotas for women MPs

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spent the past month under daily attack over allegations of violence and intimidation against women inside the Liberal Party but a proposal endorsed by several prominent women in the party offers him a chance to break out of that cycle.

The issue of the treatment of women is not going away and is increasingly paralysing the government. At a time when he should have been thinking about the floods in NSW,Mr Morrison held a press conference on Tuesday tocall on women to stand by him in the face of a new round of scandal,this time focused on a male Liberal staffer who had shared images with a group of colleagues of himself masturbating on a female MP’s desk.

Meanwhile,the ABCFour Corners program revealed more details of the weak response to the allegation by former staffer Brittany Higgins that she was raped by a colleague in Defence Minister Linda Reynolds’ office.

The Prime Minister,who fought back tears at times,faces myriad ethical and legal problems responding to the allegations of sexual misconduct within the party,especially thehistorical allegation of rape against Attorney-General Christian Porter which the minister vehemently denies.

But Mr Morrison has sometimes appeared evasive. He should have told Parliament that an internal inquiry by the head of the prime minister’s department Phil Gaetjens into the claims by Ms Higgins had been suspended two weeks ago because the Australian Federal Police launched their own investigation. Instead,it only came out at aSenate hearing on Monday.

There is no easy solution to the deep cultural problems that are coming to light in Parliament.

But theHerald believes that it is time Mr Morrison offered more than words to show he is serious about change.

The issue of gender quotas has been opposed by successive Liberal leaders and,in the past,theHerald has urged caution before imposing such stringent regulations on candidates for public office. However,as the Prime Minister himself conceded this morning – nothing else has worked.

Industry Minister Karen Andrews first raised the issue on Tuesday morning,saying she had a “gutful” of the poor treatment of women in her party,in the Federal Parliament and other workplaces. She issued a strong call for her colleagues to introduce a quota system like their ALP counterparts in order to forcibly increase the number of women MPs on their side of Parliament house.

Of course,nobody suggests these changes lightly. The Liberal Party has been reluctant to introduce gender quotas because it says it contradicts its philosophy of selection on merit alone.

Yet unfortunately,it is increasingly clear the existing attempts to increase women in the party are not working and are unlikely to without this kind of intervention.

TheHerald knows it has been a priority for the current Prime Minister,in particular,to increase the number of women preselected and the broader party says it is,too,but the fact remains only 26 per cent of the Liberal caucus is female compared to 48 per cent for the ALP. Women are under-represented on the party’s front bench and,indeed,in Mr Morrison’s own inner circle.

Quotas will not solve the problems for women overnight. It will take time to increase the number of female MPs. But giving more women a seat in Parliament will put more of their voices at the centre of political debate and send a powerful message to the whole community of respect for women.

Mr Morrison said on Tuesday he is open to the idea of quotas – and theHerald strongly urges him to act. His emotional vow to work to fix the system on behalf of his daughters and their generations is a positive start. Implementing a quota system would be the real-world action that is required to see meaningful change.

Note from the Editor

TheHeraldeditor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox,please sign up here.

Since the Herald was first published in 1831,the editorial team has believed it important to express a considered view on the issues of the day for readers,always putting the public interest first.

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