Morrison government delays $300m biosecurity levy

The Morrison government has announced further delays to its $300 million biosecurity levy designed to cover the increasing cost of threats to Australian agriculture and the environment.

The levy was set to begin in July this year and generate $100 million a year to biosecurity funding for three years.

The government has delayed a levy on importers to pay for increased biosecurity protections.

The government has delayed a levy on importers to pay for increased biosecurity protections.Damian Shaw

But importers criticised the levy design and called for major changes,arguing it would hit the competitiveness of the freight supply chain,key export industries and the cruise sector,as well create higher costs for consumers.

Monday's mid-year economic update revealed plans for the levy to begin this year had been abandoned.

Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie said she remains committed to the levy and wants to introduce it by July 2021 after further consultation with industry.

Andrew Robinson,director of the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis at the University of Melbourne,said it was vital the legislation enacting the levy be passed and a new risk analysis completed to target screening efforts.

"The government is caught in a bind where the biosecurity risks,the very real threats to the economy,ecosystems,and our way of life are mounting,but the Department of Agriculture is not positioned to ramp up its investment to match the risks,"Mr Robinson said.

Australian plants and animals are increasingly vulnerable to biosecurity threats due to the rapid growth in pest and disease populations around the world.

Other threats include varroa mite,a danger to local honeybee populations,myrtle rust,which could decimate eucalypts and other plants,and the brown marmorated stink bug,which could hit crops and gardens. Ant species such as the yellow crazy ant could pose a similar threat to thered fire ant,which entered Australia in 2001 and is now classed as one of the nation's worst foreign pests.

Invasive Species Council chief executive Andrew Cox praised the government's improved swine fever screenings at airports and ports but said sustained effort across a range of risks was needed.

"Sustainable,long-term growth in funding that keeps pace with the growing risks is missing,"Mr Cox said."Unless we get more serious about looking for these things and making sure cargo is clean of biosecurity threats,we will get more pests and diseases in Australia."

Last week Senator McKenzie announced an extra $66.6 million in swine fever funding,to put 130 more biosecurity officers at our airports to do half a million more passenger screenings and deploy an extra six detector dogs.

Mike Foley is the climate and energy correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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