MPs refuse to download official COVID-19 app and demand privacy guarantees

Politicians including Barnaby Joyce are refusing to use the official COVID-19 contact tracing app,while Liberal MPs are demanding data privacy guarantees,as the government tries to convince Australians the software is key to the nation's coronavirus recovery.

The wariness from Coalition MPs highlights the challenge facing the Morrison government as it seeks to assuage concerns,ruling out the possibility of the phone-based tracing software being mandatory and promising technical details will be available for public scrutiny.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says he will refuse to download the official COVID-19 app.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says he will refuse to download the official COVID-19 app.Alex Ellinghausen

Prime Minister Scott Morrison declared on Saturday the"COVID trace"app,set to be launched in the coming weeks,would be voluntary and he was seeking people's cooperation"to help our health workers,to protect our community and help get our economy going again".

But the assurances may not be enough to convince many Australians,including the former deputy prime minister,Mr Joyce,who toldThe Sun-Herald andThe Sunday Age he would not be downloading it out of privacy concerns.

"I treasure the government knowing as little about me as possible. There's always the argument if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about. My argument is if I'm of no concern you need know nothing about me,"he said.

"Australia is doing an extraordinary job of flattening the curve by reason that we are overwhelmingly decent and logical people. We don't need an app to tell us that."

Government Services Minister Stuart Robert said on Saturday the app would enable much more effective tracing of community contacts with confirmed COVID-19 cases – regarded as essential if social distancing restrictions are to be eased. A strong testing and tracing regime allows for rapid responses to any outbreaks.

He said the source code would be publicly released – something Liberal MPs including Trent Zimmerman had called for – and a privacy impact assessment was underway so Australians could be assured"the app is simply a health app for individuals,voluntarily used,to help us trace those who may have been close to someone who's been infected by the virus".

"There's no geo-location,there's no surveillance,there's no tracking,"Mr Robert said.

Mr Robert said people could delete the app from their phones when the pandemic is finished and the government would wipe any stored information and"therefore no data will be kept for individual citizens".

How the tracing app works and what is being done about privacy concerns.

John Roskam,who heads the Institute of Public Affairs think tank,which is influential with many Liberal MPs,said the app was"very bad and very dangerous".

"There is no way the government or any technology company can be trusted with that information,and guarantees the government gives are worthless,"he said."It is authoritarian and goes against everything the Liberal Party stands for,and it is incredible it is even being considered."

Other MPs surveyed on Saturday about the app said they were happy to download it but wanted assurances their data would be protected.

Liberal Tim Wilson said:"Everyone should make their own decision but I will happily,voluntarily be downloading the app with an expectation it will be removed immediately after the pandemic,and a firm commitment from the government that all data disappears with COVID-19."

Mr Zimmerman said the app was warranted amid a global health crisis but said that"the data being collected obviously needs to come with assurances that it can only be used for health purposes".

Labor MP Julian Hill shared Mr Joyce's pessimism,saying he was not inclined to download the app,but"may be persuaded"if his serious concerns about privacy were addressed. Other Liberal and Labor MPs surveyed said they were happy to download the software although some wanted more detail.

Independent MP Zali Steggall tweeted that a"lack of trust in,and transparency by,government is a major hurdle to people accepting[the] contract tracing app".

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg praised the idea,saying he would happily sign up."It makes sense to digitise contact tracing,"he said.

Labor MP Tim Watts said"a well designed contact tracing app,with rigorous privacy protections and governance arrangements,could potentially play a significant role in helping us respond to the virus"but called for more public consultation and detail from the government.

Labor's Ed Husic said he would probably download it for the"greater good"but there needed to be an ironclad guarantee the data would not be used or sold for any other purposes.

The app will register contact with two phones if their owners spend 15 minutes within 1.5 metres of each other. If a person with the app subsequently tests positive for COVID-19,they can register that in the app and the information will be immediately provided to public health officials. People who came into close contact with the confirmed case can then be alerted.

Deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said the data was limited and strictly for contact tracing and would only be provided to health officials to help act on confirmed cases"in a very rapid and wider fashion to protect all of us".

Mr Morrison said at least 40 per cent of Australians would have to download the app for it to be effective – a significant market penetration for a mobile phone app. The Singaporean version,on which Australia's will be modelled,has reportedly been downloaded by just 20 per cent of the population.

Fergus Hunter is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. He previously reported on federal politics,education and communications at Parliament House in Canberra.

Michael Koziol is Sydney Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald,based in our Sydney newsroom. He was previously deputy editor of The Sun-Herald and a federal political reporter in Canberra.

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