Religious freedom could be Morrison's first major test

Chief political correspondent

Prime Minister Scott Morrison does not hesitate when asked if Australia needsnew laws to protect religious freedom. “Yes,” he says. He is yet to set out exactly what those changes will be,but there is no doubt he wants change.

This is a fateful decision at a time when Morrison is just starting to tell Australians about who he is and what he stands for. Hisstrong Christian beliefs are guiding him towards an argument that will reopen the philosophical fault lines within his government.

Andrew Dyson

It is impossible to settle the debate in a way that satisfies all sides. Church groups believe they need the protection of stronger law on freedom of faith,freedom of speech and in some cases greater rights for parents.

To others,this looks like a demand for the freedom to discriminate against those whose lives are at odds with a particular religious creed – not least those in same-sex relationships.

This is incendiary for all sides in the wake oflast year’s marriage equality reforms,which were only achieved after years of acrimony between social conservatives and moderate liberals within the government ranks.

The uneasy settlement between the two sides,which played a part in theleadership battle between Morrison and Peter Dutton,can collapse at any moment.

What rights are under threat,exactly? Asked about this by Fairfax Media a week ago,Morrison said one concern was the ability of school children to celebrateChristian traditions like Easter and Christmas.

Scott Morrison is just starting to tell Australians about who he is and what he stands for.

Scott Morrison is just starting to tell Australians about who he is and what he stands for.Alex Ellinghausen

Some parents feel this problem acutely. “Easter was never spoken of,taught about or celebrated or even recognised at our previous public primary school,” one parent told Accelerate Christian Home Schooling.

Another group,theAustralian Association of Christian Schools,said it had heard from parents who felt the principal at the local public school showed a “growing antagonism” toward Christian faith.

The separation of church and state should have settled this question some time ago – it is not the role of a government school to espouse a religion. The extent of the problem is also a matter of dispute:is it really that hard for children to do anativity play in a public primary school?

The point is that the concerns run deep in a constituency that looks to Morrison as its advocate. He is now raising expectations for how he will deliver on a report into religious freedom.

Last year’s marriage equality reforms followed years of acrimony within the government ranks.

Last year’s marriage equality reforms followed years of acrimony within the government ranks.James Brickwood

There are a handful of options and none of them are easy.

The first is to amend federal law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of religious belief. While religion is a protected ground under some law,like the Fair Work Act,some government MPs believe it needs stronger safeguards like the laws that forbid discrimination on the grounds of sex,age,race or disability.

The second is to ensure freedom of speech onmatters of personal faith,an area full of conflict about when the expression of an opinion is a form of discrimination against others.

One case cited as a trigger for change is a complaint by a Greens MP against the CatholicArchbishop of Hobart,Julian Porteous. The complaint was withdrawn before any decision on whether a pamphlet called “don’t mess with marriage” was a breach of the law. Even so,many within the Coalition party room want the free speech protection to be absolute.

Former attorney-general Philip Ruddock has been appointed to ensure religious freedoms are protected as the government pushes ahead with legalising same-sex marriage.

The third is the treatment of charities that are founded on faith. The St Vincent de Paul Society is a general welfare organisation,for instance,but is also Catholic by tradition and history. Would it jeopardise its status under tax law if it only considered a Catholic for its top executive position?

The fourth area of concern,that problem of Christian tradition in public schools,is hardly a matter for the Commonwealth when the states are meant to run the government schools. If Morrison really wants to address this,it is hard to see any mechanism other than the use of Commonwealth funding to try and set terms for the states – an approach that would inflame disputes ahead of the federal election due by May.

Do not expect a swift outcome. The government will not want to detonate the debate until November,after the decision on who should replaceformer prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in the eastern Sydney seat of Wentworth.

Wentworth is an electorate that voted strongly for marriage equality. The prospect of a strong independent candidate is causing huge anxiety among local Liberals. The argument over the conservative agenda on religious freedom will have to wait.

No wonder the government is yet to release the review into religious freedom by Philip Ruddock,which was commissioned by Turnbull and completed months ago.

There is a paradox at the heart of this debate. The conservatives who are usually sceptical about the United Nations and international covenants will probably have to rely on the external affairs power in the constitution to implement an international human rights treaty that contains freedom of religion.

Advocates for intervention are calling,in effect,for yet another expansion of federal power. This is merely a philosophical nicety for a conservative party that also wants intervention to build newcoal-fired power stations.

There are big questions at stake in this argument. In times past,a teacher’s personal life might not be known to students at a Christian school. In today’s world,with marriage equality legislated,a teacher might be vulnerable for getting married.

Should a school have the right to fire that teacher because what is allowed under civil law is forbidden by canon law?

The Coalition was so paralysed over same sex marriage it had to resort to a postal vote to decide the matter. So far,there is no sign the Liberals expect a conscience vote on religious freedom. This makes it even more difficult to get an agreed government position that binds all MPs.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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