Scott Morrison rules out making virus tracing app mandatory

A new COVID-19 contact tracing app will be strictly voluntary and the coding will be made available for public scrutiny as the government steps up its campaign to assuage privacy concerns and convince Australians to download the software.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has moved to assure people the app,currently in development and set to be launched in the coming weeks,will not undermine their rights and is an essential tool in the pandemic response effort.

How the tracing app works and what is being done about privacy concerns.

"The app we are working on to help our health workers trace people who have been in contact with coronavirus will not be mandatory,"Mr Morrison said on Saturday.

He said the government would be seeking people's cooperation in a collective effort to protect the community and ease social distancing restrictions.

He said the government would be"seeking the cooperation and support of Australians to download the app to help our health workers,to protect our community and help get our economy going again".

A robust system allowing officials to trace any contacts with people who test positive for coronavirus is regarded as essential for any easing of nationwide social distancing restrictions.

The app will be able to send information on people's contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases to the government's public health unit in real time,allowing for a sophisticated ability to tackle outbreaks.

To be effective,Mr Morrison has said at least 40 per cent of Australians would need to download it – a significant market penetration for a mobile phone app.

He said the software would be similar to Singapore's TraceTogether app,which uses Bluetooth to record close contacts with other people who have the app.

About 20 per cent of Singaporeans have reportedly downloaded the app.

The Australian government's development of the app sparked concerns about data security and privacy and hostility to the idea of mandatory tracking.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said on Friday the government would start with voluntary"and see how we go".

"I've always been a believer in the Australian people making the right decision so I think the voluntary approach at first is the way to go,"he said on Friday afternoon.

"We have work to do to make sure this is good and safe and cover off privacy concerns."

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Fergus Hunter is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. He previously reported on federal politics,education and communications at Parliament House in Canberra.

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