Spy watchdog may look at AFP's documents into George Christensen probe

The spy watchdog may be called in to determine whether the release of secret police documents detailing a year-long probe into Nationals MP George Christensen's frequent trips to the Philippines could jeopardise national security.

The Australian Federal Police has been blocking the release of a letter it sent to Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton about its inquiries for more than a year.

Nationals MP George Christensen.

Nationals MP George Christensen.Alex Ellinghausen

Since July last year,the AFP has been arguing the documents cannot be released under Freedom of Information laws because it would constitute an"unreasonable disclosure"of personal information about Mr Christensen.

After Nine News,The Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age challenged the decision not to release the document,the AFP last month submitted a separate argument that the disclosure would also jeopardise the"security of the Commonwealth".

The Information Commissioner,which is undertaking a review into the AFP's decision not to release the documents,says it will call in the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security if it is not convinced it would pose a security threat. The IGIS is an independent watchdog which reviews the activities of Australia's intelligence and security agencies.

The AFP is also arguing the release of the letter could negatively impact on its operations,including the"provision of frank and candid briefings to the Minister for Home Affairs in relation to sensitive matters".

The AFP has spent more than a year preventing a letter from MP George Christensen to Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton being released,arguing it could be a risk to national security.

The AFP never launched an official investigation into Mr Christensen,butits inquiry into his travels lasted more than 12 months until the middle of 2018.

The AFP sent Mr Dutton a letter on June 25,2018,advising it was closing the case into Mr Christensen,but warned the Queensland MP remained an ongoing risk of being compromised,according to sources who have seen the letter.

Crossbench senator Rex Patrick said it was common for government agencies to"change the goalposts"halfway through a review by the Information Commissioner.

He said the FOI system was"broken"and not properly resourced.

"FOI is not working in this country we have a system in place where it takes 24 months to do any review,"Senator Patrick said.

"It's quite common for the Commonwealth to change the arguments if they suspect they may lose on a previous exemption,part of this is about delay."

"Delay is the enemy of freedom of information;government officials exploit this. They make cavalier claims knowing the information will be delivered stale and that is exactly what they want to achieve."

Mr Christensen wasdubbed"The Member for Manila"by colleagues after it was revealed he spent 294 days in the Philippines between April 2014 and his last visit in June 2018.

The AFP looked into his travel for more than a year,which included frequent visits to Angeles City - an urbanised area more than 80km north of the capital Manila which is known for its red-light district.

Mr Christensen,who has a Filipina wife,has always claimed to be the victim of a"vile"smear campaign over the scrutiny of his travel.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull revealed in his bookthe AFP warned him Mr Christensen could be questioned in the Philippines by local police because of rising concerns about his payments to women and lengthy stays in"seedy"hotels.

Mr Christensen was about to travel on official business to the Philippines when the AFP called a meeting with Mr Turnbull about the matter.

Nine News,theHerald andThe Age last year revealeda staff member at an adult entertainment bar in Angeles City claimed Mr Christensen was a regular at the venue.

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Jonathan Kearsley is a political reporter for Nine News in Canberra.

Anthony Galloway is political correspondent for The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age.

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