University free speech rules'definitely worth considering',says Human Rights Commissioner

Australia's Human Rights Commissioner says universities should consider a code of conduct that ensures controversial figures can speak more freely on campus,as the Morrison government grows increasingly concerned about campus politics.

Ed Santow,who is responsible for free speech issues at the Australian Human Rights Commission,said freedom of expression at universities was on the organisation's radar in the wake of several controversies involving political protests.

"Of course we care deeply about freedom of speech on campus,"he told Fairfax Media."We also want to be supportive where there’s a desire to combat hateful speech."

"We care deeply about freedom of speech on campus":Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow.

"We care deeply about freedom of speech on campus":Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow.Brendan Esposito

Campus politics is under the spotlight as the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation struggles to find a home at an Australian university. And last week,author Bettina Arndt met fierce protests before a speech at the University of Sydney from students who disagree with her view there is no"rape crisis"on campuses.

Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan on Tuesday suggested possible changes to university codes of conduct,citing a charter introduced by the University of Chicago in 2012 and adopted by others.

The charter stipulates that while staff and students can criticise views expressed on campus,"they may not obstruct,disrupt,or otherwise interfere with the freedom of others to express views they reject or even loathe".

Asked about codes of conduct similar to the Chicago declaration,Mr Santow said:"In principle I think it’s definitely worth considering ... we need to properly understand what the nature of the problem is and go from there."

Mr Tehan told Fairfax Media he would support any vice-chancellor who adopted a position similar to the Chicago missive. He also said he would raise concerns about free speech with vice-chancellors of the Group of Eight universities at a meeting scheduled for Thursday.

Police were called to Sydney University last week after left-wing students protested an appearance by Arndt at an event hosted by the campus Liberal Club,arguing she should be denied a"platform".

Arndt has been targeted because she disputes the existence of a"rape crisis"on campus,and accuses universities of"pandering to feminist ideologues propagating scare stories"about sexual assault.

The protesters ultimately dispersed and the event proceeded"without interruption",according to the university. The Liberal Club was hit with a bill for security,as is routine when clubs hold events requiring a security presence.

Mr Tehan said universities should"show leadership"and protect freedom of speech on campus,"even where those ideas may be confronting to some people". They should cover the cost of security at events such as the Arndt speech - or pass those costs on to protesters,he said.

“Universities shouldn’t punish the organisers of peaceful events because protesters become violent,"Mr Tehan told Fairfax Media.

"If the universities want to offset their security costs,they should send the bill to the troublemakers."

The Morrison government has already committed to legal changes to bolster freedom of religion. On Monday night,Prime Minister Scott Morrison said free speech at universities was also"an issue".

"It's free speech for some and not for others,"he told Sky News."What I've always noticed from the left is they're happy to have free speech as long as you agree with them. If you have a different view to them then apparently you're a bigot."

During an interview with Sydney shock jock Alan Jones on Tuesday,Mr Tehan said he had spoken to Arndt about her experience,and said universities must"get the focus back on"education. He would not be drawn on Jones'call for the government to cut funding to universities that did not adequately protect free speech.

Jones said Sydney University was"crawling alive with left-wing people",blaming vice-chancellor Michael Spence,and said Arndt had been attacked by"little left-wing taxpayer-funded so-called students". Dr Spence was not available for comment on Tuesday.

Michael Koziol is Sydney Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald,based in our Sydney newsroom. He was previously deputy editor of The Sun-Herald and a federal political reporter in Canberra.

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