'We're in deep strife':Fertility wipe-out set to derail COVID-19 recovery

Demographer Liz Allen is blunt.

Population growth is on track to be at its lowest level since World War I while the nation's fertility rate - the number of children a woman will have over her lifetime - is likely to fall to its lowest rate on record.

"We're in deep strife,"the Australian National University academic says.

The nation's fertility rate is likely to fall to its lowest rate on record.

The nation's fertility rate is likely to fall to its lowest rate on record.iStock

Amongst the disaster the coronavirus pandemic has turned out to be in terms of health and the economy,it has also delivered a substantial blow to population growth and fertility,which will have even broader implications.

Australia has benefited from robust population growth since the late 1940s. And one of the key factors in its long run without a recession between 1990-91 and this year has been the surge in the number of people calling this country home.

Between March 1990 and March this year,Australia's population swelled by 8.6 million or 51 per cent. Among our economic peers only Canada,where the population grew by 10 million or 36 per cent over the same period,gets close to Australia's growth.

Those 8.6 million people have underpinned consumption,the construction of new homes,employment and also the state of government budgets. Our universities have grown on the back of millions of international students while our workforces have become smarter thanks to skilled migrants.

Then came the coronavirus pandemic.

Net overseas migration,which the federal government said was slowing before the pandemic,is now expected to collapse from 154,000 last financial year to just 31,000 in 2020-21.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg this week gave an insight into what this meant for the budget.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and the Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann speak to the media.

He said the nation's future population would now be smaller and older than previously assumed with net migration movement out of Australia now likely to be negative both this financial year and next.

"While migration will eventually return to the levels we are accustomed to,lost migrants will not be replaced,"he said.

"And given our migrant workers tend,on average,to be younger,this will lower labour force participation and average hours worked across the economy into the future."

Migration accounts for about 60 per cent of Australia's population growth. The rest is natural increase - births minus deaths.

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics this week showed in March the country experienced its smallest natural increase in the population in 14 years.

It was caused by a combination of the smallest number of newborns since March 2009 and the largest number of deaths for the quarter on record.

Deaths will continue to grow - a factor of the larger number of people in the country and the ageing population.

If migration is falling,then the only way to offset the increase in deaths is via more babies.

The2019-20 budget assumed the nation's fertility rate would climb from a 15-year low of 1.78 to 1.9 and remain there for decades to come.

Instead,new modelling commissioned by the government forecasts fertility will drop to an all-time low of 1.59 this financial year,recover a little around 2024 but then continue its downward trend to a little over 1.6 by the end of the decade.

The difference between what the budget is built upon and what the government now expectsequates to 56,000 fewer births every year out to 2024. That's a city the size of NSW regional centre Wagga Wagga every year in missing bubs.

Dr Allen says the drop in fertility is not necessarily something to worry about on its own.

Dr Liz Allen says the pandemic is"going to cause a ripple that will be felt for years".

Dr Liz Allen says the pandemic is "going to cause a ripple that will be felt for years".Alex Ellinghausen

"But when you look at in the broader context then there are a number of alarm bells that are really ringing,"she says.

"The COVID outbreak is going to cause a ripple that will be felt for years."

According to Dr Allen,fertility rates were already an issue before the pandemic.

Substantial economic barriers confront women who might want a larger family,most clearly around childcare and the long-term impact on their careers when they take time away from work around birth.

Drawing a line from Whitney Houston's 1980s anthemGreatest Love Of All,Dr Allen says if"children are our future"then the community and governments have to do far more.

"Children are indeed our future. They're our future taxpayers,"she says.

"Policies already favour older Australians. Lower fertility[and reduced migration] means as a community we're going to get older and that will just mean more policy support for older people at the expense of younger people.

"The young,andwomen,have borne the brunt of COVID and it could get even worse."

Recessions and economic dislocations always shock the creation of families.

Births fell during the start of the last century as the federation drought slowed the economy.

Between 1914 and 1918,when hundreds of thousands of men were out of the country because of World War I,birth numbers also fell.

And then between 1928 and 1934,during the start and then depths of the Great Depression,the number of babies born crashed by more than 18 per cent.

Outside of these events has been a global change towards family size.

Between 1950 and 2017,the global fertility rate fell by 49 per cent. Research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found from 4.7 live births per woman in 1950 the fertility rate had reached 2.4 live births per woman 67 years later.

Every one of the 195 countries examined in the study had experienced a fall in fertility rates,although at 7.1 the rate in the African nation of Niger remains extraordinarily high.

Britain's Office of National Statistics says there is a series of inter-connected reasons for the fall in fertility rates.

Improved access to contraception (which in itself is connected to higher levels of education for women),a sharp drop in the mortality rate for children under 5,and women delaying having babies until an older age - especially in richer nations - are all major contributory factors to falling fertility rates.

All that before the deepest global economic downturn since the 1930s.

Laura Mehew and her husband can afford to look after one child but say economic circumstances mean they're not planning to have a second.

Laura Mehew and her husband can afford to look after one child but say economic circumstances mean they're not planning to have a second.Rhett Wyman

The human face of that economic impact isSydney couple Laura Mehew,and her husband Cheyne,both 30,who had their first child Tessa nine months ago.

Trying to pay off a mortgage,Laura took a contract job while pregnant,but then lost it after maternity leave due to the pandemic. The couple's income halved,forcing them to dip into Laura's superannuation.

They've also had financial support from Laura's parents who loaned money saved for a cancelled overseas holiday.

"We try not to live week-to-week. We have a budget and put money away for bills - but baby products are expensive,"she said.

The Australian economy was once said to have ridden on the back of sheep to prosperity,but for 30 years the country has surfed a wave of population growth to economic success.

The coronavirus pandemic may have delivered a long-lasting wipe-out.

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Shane is a senior economics correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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